Testimonial Tuesday

Thank you, Melissa M., for sharing your experience with us! We love hearing little ones are feeling better after an adjustment!

If you've had a great experience with Dr. Randy, please share it with one of our Chiropractic Assistants at the front desk or shoot us a text!

#testimonialtuesday #patientwin #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor #pediatricchiropractor #chirokidsrock #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms #momsofeasternidaho #icpa #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #eastidaho #southeastidaho

Comin Up in October

October is an exciting month! Looking forward to all the fun things happening as we get closer to the holidays!

We are particularly excited to be hosting @itav_in_idaho on October 13th, for a lunch and presentation on the benefits of chiropractic for families!

#comingup #october #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #candydrop #wildadventurecornmaze #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #idahomoms #momsofeastidaho #eastidahomoms #halloween

Ear Infections and Chiropractic Care

Do you find yourself constantly in the pediatrician's office with re-occurring "ear infections" and don't understand why?

While ear infections are seen as common, they are not NORMAL.

Did you know ear infections are primarily considered a "drainage problem" in which fluid builds up behind the child's eardrum? When there is stress or disruption on the upper neck, this creates tension in the neck muscles. This decreases the drainage and stagnant fluid builds up in the ear.

Chiropractic care can help get your child's body out of the fight or flight state that causes this tension. When the muscles surrounding the ear tube function, they can help massage and maintain movement of the ear fluid. This allows the immune system to kick in and do its job while staying clear of any ear infections in the future!

If your kiddo is showing symptoms of an ear infection, has re-occurring illnesses, or you want to ensure their little bodies are functioning at the highest levels, chiropractic care is a safe and noninvasive option that can help alleviate pain and keep infections away for good!

#earinfections #pediatricchiropractic #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #familychiropractc #elevatedlife #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #eastidaho #southeastidaho #chirokids #chirokidsrock

Dr. Randy's Dallas Seminar

A couple of weekends ago, Dr. Randy attended the Well Adjusted Seminar in Dallas, TX. Listen to Dr. Randy share about his travels and what information he gleaned from his time in Dallas!

This book is a much more thorough version of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” This book will help you learn all the things and help you make informed decisions when it comes to pregnancy and parenting. We love it!

#welladjusted #seminar #chiropracticseminar #welladjustedbabies #drjenniferBarham-Floreani

The Spud Day Parade!

We had another successful Spud Day Parade! Thank you so much to our team for helping with everything from wrapping water bottles with out logo, decorating the float, passing out water bottles at the parade, and all the little things in between! We loved seeing out patients’ faces in the crowd and having a great time with their loved ones! We can’t wait for next years festivities!

Testimonial Tuesday

Thank you Jessalyn D. for sharing your experience with Dr. Randy. We love to hear that you've had a great experience with us. If you've recently had some wins that you attribute to chiropractic care with Dr. Randy, please let us know at the front desk or send us a text!

#testimonialtuesday #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #elevatelifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #patientwins

Chiropractic Birthday

The Birthday of Chiropractic is something we love to celebrate! We've seen chiropractic improve our patient's lives day in and day out. We strive to be a positive force in the chiropractic industry. Helping people realize their innate intelligence and how the nervous system functions is part of how we do things at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic.

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychirpopractic #chiropracticbirthday #ddpalmer #innateintelligence #nervoussystem #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor

How a Regulated Nervous System and Sleep for Kids

Do you ever feel like your kiddo is, go, go, go, and can never settle down?

Does your little one have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep?

Do you feel like they are restless even when asked to stay still?

These expressions can stem from an overactive nervous system and the body being stuck in a fight-or-flight state.

The good news is...

Chiropractic can help down-regulate their nervous system to allow their body to be in a state of EASE! Consistent chiropractic care can help your kiddo function on the parasympathetic side of their nervous system, also known as "rest and digest mode." When their nervous system is free from the stress of "fight-or-flight," they can quickly calm themselves and sleep even better!

Chiropractic may be the answer if you're seeking a medication-free way to help your kiddo regulate their busy brain!

#regulatednervousystem #nervoussystem #kidsnervoussystem #kidssleep #pediatricchiropractic #chirokids #chirokidsrock #icpa #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor #southeasteridaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #southeastidahomoms #momsofidaho

Importance of Chiropractic Care From Birth

From Day One of Life: Chiropractic Care for Well-Being!

Are you wondering why chiropractic care from the start of life is so essential? It allows for incredible benefits to the brain and body that pave the way for future generations! ✨

Chiropractic care from birth allows for:

-Regulated Immunity: Chiropractic care supports your little one's immune system, helping them build resilience to illnesses. Optimizing nervous system function, chiropractic adjustments regulate their immune response to keep them healthy and strong.

Ease of Milestones & Transitions: From crawling to walking and beyond, chiropractic care aids in the natural milestones your child achieves. It eases their transitions by ensuring their nervous system is balanced and ready for every step they take.

Optimal Digestion: Whether it's battling reflux or constipation, chiropractic care can improve gut function. Enhancing nervous system communication supports optimal digestion. This provides relief and comfort for your little one.

Improved Behavior & Emotions: Chiropractic care isn't just physical – it extends to emotional well-being. Balanced nervous system function can contribute to behavior and emotional regulation through all stages of life!

Set the foundation for a life filled with vitality and balance by getting your little one checked by a pediatric and wellness-focused chiropractor. At Elevated Life Familly Chiropractic, we would love to serve you and your family!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #idahomoms #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms #infanctchiropracticcare #pediatricchiropractic #infantadjustments #icpa #optimizingimmunefunction #optimizingdigestion #milestones #nervoussystemregulation

Phases of Healing With Chiropractic

True Healing takes TIME and CONSISTENCY!

At Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we are genuinely invested in your well-being and achieving your health goals. Consistency is the secret ingredient to success - progress thrives where consistency resides!

Imagine going to the gym just once a month. How much progress do you think you would accomplish? Realistically, how long does it take to SEE and FEEL results?

During your first phase of care, we are focusing on repairing and restoring. Your nervous system has been in a protective, stress state for quite some time. With time and repetition, we will focus on breaking down old patterns and creating new functional patterns that support ideal health and well-being!

During your second phase of care, we will continue to focus on improving your adaptability to overall stress. Now that your nervous system function is restored and you are no longer functioning in those chronic stress patterns, we want to keep it that way! Consistent adjustments will continue to help the body self-heal and self-regulate. This moves you towards TRUE health and prevents problems from occurring again!

Are you ready to free your ultimate potential? We are here for you to start your wellness journey!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #healingwithchiropractic #phasesofhealing #adjustments #repairandrestore #freedomcare #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #southeastidaho

Breaking Free From Patterns of Dysfunction

Did you know that patterns of dysfunctions can show up in different ways in our bodies?

From physical stress responses to nervous system dysregulation to emotional disconnect. All can affect our overall well-being.

When we learn to break free from these patterns of dysfunctions, our body can function at higher states that allow us to heal.

Swipe to find out how to break through these patterns of dysfunctions with chiropractic care and embrace a life full of balance, movement, and vibrant health!

#elevatedlifefamimlychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #patternsofdysfunction #nervoussystem #healing #nervoussystemhealing #physicalselfcare #emotionalregulation #movementpatterms #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #southeastidaho

Testimonial Tuesday

Wow! Thank you for sharing this amazing review with us, Jess S. This is what consistent chiropractic care can do for many chronic issues. If you're ready to see how chiropractic could change your life, call us at 208-357-1949!

#testimonialtuesday #patientreview #chronicillness #rotationalscoliosis #scoliosis #GIissues #improvedcognition #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevataedlife #familychiropractic