Coronavirus and You

Whew! We know you are just as tired of hearing about COVID-19 as we are. Not because we don’t care about it or feel like it’s not important, but because we are just being inundated with information and opinions. But we feel like we have some information and light to share and hope to be a resource for you.

Many have asked if our office is going to stay open during this time. We are! Here’s a few reasons why:


Chiropractic boosts immunity! Frequent chiropractic care should be in your arsenal when it comes to prevention and immune building. When subluxations are corrected and your nervous system is functioning correctly, your cells can communicate better and fight off those nasty germs! Now, it’s not going to put a wall up around you and prevent you from getting ill. But it will help your powerful body to fight off illness quicker and more efficiently. Dr. Randy did a live video on Facebook you can watch here: 

We have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the body and it’s amazing capabilities. We want you to be able to come in with questions and concerns, feeling comfortable asking questions, and leave feeling empowered and educated. We fear what we do not know. When you are able to have the resources and education you need to feel like you can make the best health decisions for you and your family, the empowerment dispels fear. You can absolutely be in charge of your health. There are so many opinions out there. When you can take information, process it and use it to your advantage, there is power in that. We feel like conventional physicians aren’t taking the chance to talk about how to empower and prevent. They aren’t telling you to stock up on real, healthy, unprocessed foods like fruits and vegetables. They aren’t telling you to get adequate sleep every night. They aren’t telling you to increase your fluid intake (with good choices like infused water, coconut water, real fruit juice, etc.) They aren’t telling you to take your vitamins. They aren’t telling you to exercise and move your body. Moving your body will strengthen your heart, lungs and mind! Moving your body gets your lymph (waste elimination throughout your body) moving. You can watch more here: This boosts immunity! Your body is capable of so much when given the chance! (Disclaimer: Yes-washing your hands, sterilizing surfaces, social distancing is all beneficial. But true health comes from the inside, not out.) Kayleigh has done a video about some ways to boost your immunity through supplements and nutrition here: 

Stress is an immune system killer. When we are anxiety ridden and stressed out about our health, our families health, how the world is ending, etc., our bodies do our best to adapt. Our bodies are in fight or flight instead of rest and digest. Our adrenal glands are getting too much attention and sending out harmful hormones. At our office, Kayleigh does Energy Healing. She guides you through past traumatic experiences our bodies might be hanging onto. She teaches you techniques-Tapping, breathing, write and burn and other activities to help you reduce your stress and grow your positive mindset. We need to be thinking good and empowering thoughts. Our mental, emotional, spiritual health is just as important as our physical. Self care is important! This is all the stuff people don’t like to talk about. Like mentioned before, good nutrition, supplementation, water intake, good sleep, stress reducing activities are beneficial for your mind and spirit as well. You can be aware of the world around, but please don’t dwell on it. Raise your thoughts! You are a superhuman rockstar with a crazy powerful mind. Fear will lower your vibration. Gratitude and happiness can raise it! Some helpful tricks:

      1. Take deep breaths. Belly filling breaths. Cleanse and build up your lung strength simultaneously. Let the air out slowly and thoughtfully. No chipmunk cheeks!

      2. Make a list of things that bring you peace and joy. When our minds are so cluttered with fear and overwhelm, it’s hard to find those in there. If you have a joy/peace list, you can refer to it in times of crisis. Encourage all your family members to do it too! Some things on Kayleigh’s list:

          1. Hot, mineral baths.

          2. Aromatherapy: Some oils are proven to raise your vibration. Some are proven to relax. Find your favorites! 

          3. SLEEP. Be selfish. If you need a nap, find a way to make it happen. 

          4. Good nutrition. Smoothies, salads, etc. Make recipes handy or premise so you have it on hand. 

          5. Energy Healing: removing the interferences and allowing your body’s energy to flow freely. Clearing any blockages, resetting chakras and repeating positive affirmations. Try these ones: My mind is calm and at peace. My immune system is healthy and strong. My mind and body are healthy and vibrant. I radiate confidence, joy, and health.

          6. Crystal therapy: stones with calming and light characteristics. Selenite, amethyst and rose quartz would be good to have on hand when chaos ensues.

          7. Family time! Coloring together, games together, movies together. 

We hope you feel supported and empowered in your healing endeavors. We truly love helping you and teaching you. We have supplements here in the office. We have crystals. We have oils. We are here to help you! Use us! We hope you feel our love and passion for your wellbeing. 

— Randy and Kayleigh Searle

You can find us on social media where we share our thoughts, tips and tricks:

