Child Birthing Classes

Due to Covid-19, the past few months have been filled with worry, concern, and anxiety. Social distancing, stay at home orders, working from home, unemployment, the economy...The ongoing list of everything families are concerned about is constantly at the forefront of our minds. Expecting parents likely have even more concerns. Should I stay home? Is it safe for me to go to work? How will I keep my baby safe and healthy? Should I switch to a midwife and deliver at a birth center? 

Gaining knowledge, understanding, and developing skills throughout their pregnancy and birth can be crucial for parents during this time. One of the best ways to learn about pregnancy and birth is with a high-quality comprehensive childbirth class. Couples will learn what to expect during their third trimester, the entire process of labor and delivery, postpartum, newborn procedures, breastfeeding, and so much more!

Parents are looking for ways to have a safe and calm experience for the birth of their new baby. Childbirth educators like Kayleigh Searle are helping these moms and dads avoid unnecessary interventions and have an amazing birth through education.

"I love giving birth, but that came with time, learning, knowledge and empowerment. I wanted to give that same feeling to couples preparing to meet their little ones. I wanted Dad’s to feel confident caring for their partners, Mom’s to feel confident that their body is capable of bringing babies earthside, and couples to look back at the birth of their baby(ies) with satisfaction and confidence."   Kayleigh recently certified through Birth Boot Camp, a Texas based company.

Birth Boot Camp students attending Kayleigh's classes can choose from a variety of subjects. Options include: 

  • Comfort Measures for Birth

  • Hospital Birth Class

  • Out-of-Hospital Birth Class

  • Food & Fitness: A Program for the Childbearing Year

  • 10 Week Comprehensive Class

  • Siblings at Birth Class

  • Homecoming: Life With a New Recruit, (a parenting class)

  • And more!

"In the last decade we have seen a trend towards families wanting to have more say in their birth," said Donna Ryan, founder and president of Birth Boot Camp. "The training and curriculum we provide our instructors gives them the tools to help couples in their hometown have the amazing birth experience they desire. We are thrilled to welcome Kayleigh to the Birth Boot Camp family."

Kayleigh will begin classes in August. Click here for Upcoming classes.

Have Questions?

Classes will be held at our office in Shelley, ID.