Clear and Connected ENT System In Children

Have you ever wondered why children struggle with ENT issues? It comes down to the mechanics of the systems and the input they are getting from the nervous system!

It’s not uncommon to find upper cervical (neck) dysfunction in those who tend to struggle with ear infections, sinus issues, chronic allergies, or low immunity.

The top portion of your neck houses the brain stem + and allows for tiny nerves to exit the spinal column to travel to the ears, nose, and throat. When any tension or stress is present in this region, it’s incredibly common to have ENT issues because the brain is not able to communicate with the ears, nose, and throat properly!

Dr. Randy gently restores function and reduces stress in your little one’s neck and nervous system with personalized pediatric chiropractic adjustments.

An adjustment that a baby or child receives is very different from what you might see with an adult and is tailored to their little individual bodies.

If you are looking for a natural way to help keep your kiddo’s ears, nose, and throat clear and connected this fall and winter season, we are here to help!

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