Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction

During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called relaxin which allows your body to grow and stretch with ease.

While this hormone is necessary for pregnancy, it can allow for imbalances in the pelvis to occur such as Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction.

So what is Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction?

If you have experienced pregnancy, you may have noticed pain while sitting or when walking around the pelvic girdle. This can be a sign of the pubic bone being too relaxed, causing an imbalance at the pubic symphysis, which creates instability and inflammation.

With prenatal chiropractic care, our doctors will ensure that the pelvis is balanced and perform specific adjustments to the pelvis to rebalance the pubic bone, relieving pressure and decreasing inflammation overall.

Not only will chiropractic care help decrease pain, but it will also allow the pelvis to stay open and balanced for a smoother delivery!
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