Sciatica Nerve Pain

A common reason why people seek out chiropractic care is due to aches and pains.

When the body is out of balance physically and emotionally, the brain perceives this response as increased discomfort or pain.

Sciatica is a pain that is triggered when your sciatic nerve becomes pinched. The sciatic nerve travels from your lower spine, past your hips, and down the leg. When the body is out of balance, this nerve can become compressed, and an electric shock or deep aching pain down the leg and foot.

Chiropractic care improves pelvic balance and creates optimal communication within the autonomic nervous system. This takes stress off the spine and allows for less pain and symptoms!

Tired of dealing with sciatic nerve pain or any other discomforts?

We would love to show you how chiropractic can improve brain-body balance!

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