The Effects of a Subluxation

Have you heard the term "subluxation" and wondered what it means for your well-being?

Let's break it down. 🧠

In the chiropractic world, a subluxation refers to an interference in the communication between your brain and your body. It's like a traffic jam on the information highway, where vital signals can't flow freely. This can leave your brain stuck in 'fight or flight' mode, where stress and tension build up over time.

Imagine it as your body's stress signal being constantly switched on.

Chiropractic adjustments can help clear the traffic and restore the connection between your brain and body.

It's like opening up the lanes for smooth communication, bringing balance back into your life. It's time to get unstuck from the 'fight or flight' state, and hello to a more relaxed and resilient you!

So, if you've been feeling the effects of stress and tension, at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic we would love to help you support your nervous system to function optimally!