Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

The Vagus Nerve is responsible for the parasympathetic (rest and digest) functions of the human body. It helps digestion, keeps the heartbeat regular and slow, decreases blood pressure, improves mental cognition, helps regulate stress hormones, and keeps us in a positive homeostasis.

Chiropractic care has a direct influence on vagal tone by reducing interference in the nervous system, improving the communication between the brain and the body, and supporting optimal vagal function!⚡️

In addition to chiropractic care, you can stimulate your vagus nerve through deep and slow breathing exercises, singing or humming, cold exposure, like cold showers, and engaging in regular physical activity. Gentle yoga and meditation are also excellent ways to enhance vagal tone and promote relaxation.

Ready to boost your overall health and well-being? Incorporate these practices into your daily routine!

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