The Dark Side of Sunscreen

Why, on earth, would I talk about sunscreens in the middle of winter?

The reason is that people try to escape the rigors of the cold season by traveling to sunny destinations. Simple. Scaring you out of the sun is a multi-billion-dollar business!

There...I said it, and I feel better already!

Sunscreen manufacturers want you to make sunscreen an everyday event – even in winter when there is little sun. Know why? Sunscreens have become a multi-billion-dollar business controlled by the pharmaceutical industry – the same people who manufacture all our drugs – as well as the cosmeceutical corporations - the people who make beauty products. Take a good look around you: SPF factors are in skin lotion, lip care, daily cosmetics, clothing, etc., not just suntan lotion.

There are wonderful, well-researched psychological and physiological effects for sun exposure (your body feels better, for one), and of course the production of Vitamin D in your skin because of exposure to sunlight, UV rays sterilizing germs, and so on. Sunscreens, on the other hand, prevent your body from manufacturing Vitamin D – not a good thing!

But.... Here is what concerns me even more, and as a doctor, I feel that I must mention this point: There is increasing research indicating that all that “goop” we place on our skin and the skin of our children to prevent sunburn, is adding to the tally of cases of skin cancer. And research shows the higher the SPF, the higher the incidence. Think of this: Where does all that stuff go? Well, it is absorbed into your skin and body. And then the liver needs to detoxify it and excrete it.

You want to look for suncreen free of harmful chemicals like:

-Oxybenzone, (aka benzophenone-3) an endocrine disruptor + associated with lower testosterone in teenage boys. It’s also a contact allergen, organ toxicity in animals, and be harmful to aquatic life.

-Octonoxate - (aka OMC) linked to endocrine disruption as well as reproductive toxicity in animal studies.

-Homosalate - linked to reproductive and developmental toxicity.

-Parabens, Phthalates - endocrine disruptors. Phthalates can hide under the guise of ‘fragrance’.

We have these in our office if you’re looking for a local place to find better alternatives!

Earth Mama Mineral Sunsreen (transparent)