Featured Products - Allergy Edition

With this warmer weather comes allergies and we have got you covered! We carry Boiron's SinusCalm and AllergyCalm specifically for allergies.


Stay strong against allergies all year long with AllergyCalm by Boiron. Unlike conventional medications that mask symptoms, AllergyCalm uses pure active ingredients to tackle indoor and outdoor allergy symptoms caused by hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies. These non-drowsy, meltaway tablets are easy to take at the first sign of symptoms to relieve itchy and watery eyes; sneezing and runny nose; itchy throat and nose; and cough associated with hay fever.


Melt seasonal sinus pain away with SinusCalm Allergy by Boiron. Unlike conventional medications that mask full-blown symptoms, SinusCalm Allergy works with your body to relieve nasal congestion, sinus pressure, pain, and sinus headaches caused by allergies. These non-drowsy meltaway tablets are phenylephrine-free and won’t interact with other medications, including those for allergies — one of the leading causes of sinus congestion.

Be sure to check out what we have in our office next time you're in for an adjustment!

#allergies #seasonalallergies #sinuscalm #allergycalm #boiron #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #hayfever #respiratoryallergies #idahomoms #eastidahomoms

Phases of Healing Pt 2

During the integration phase of chiropractic care, a new normal is established between the brain and body, improving overall function.

This phase of care allows for better perception of the environment, improving healing withIN, while experiencing life optimally!

With consistent nervous system-focused chiropractic care, practice members will feel ease, vitality, and well-being!

Are you ready to take your health to the next level? You can reach us at 208-357-1949 to see how Elevated Life Familly Chiropractic can help you thrive in every direction of your life!

Phases of Healing Pt 1

When you first experience nervous system chiropractic care, you will enter the first phase of the healing process. This phase of healing works on breaking through emotional and physical stress patterns while allowing the nervous system to reorganize to adapt better to the external environment.

When the nervous system receives input from a chiropractic adjustment, you'll experience a disruption to emotional and biomechanic patterns.

Not only does your body gain an increase in sensation of awareness and connection, but it allows your body to FEEL more than you previously did.

If your body experiences slight discomfort (such as being sore like a rigorous workout would do), it is a sign that the body is working on reorganizing to enter into phase TWO of healing!

Stay tuned for the coming weeks' posts to see what occurs during the second phase of healing the brain-body connection.

#brainbodyconnection #nervoussystemhealing #breakingpatterns #firstphaseofhealing #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #nervoussystemchiropracticcare #nervoussystemchiropractic #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor #idahomoms #eastidahomoms

TMJ Dysfunction

Did you know that you can manage and effectively improve jaw pain naturally?

The TMJ, or the Temporomandibular Joint acts like a hinge that connects your neck to the skull.

Chiropractic care can help restore proper motion to the joint while reducing nerve interference, allowing the symptoms of TMJ to be at E A S E.

Check out the slides above to see how TMJ can be managed naturally along with chiropractic care!

Are you struggling with TMJ dysfunction? Give us a call at, 208-357-1949 we would love to see how we can help!

#TMJ #TMJdysfunction #nervoussytemfunction #jawpain #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic

We're Excited to Announce...

Elevated Life Family Chiropractic is proud to announce that Dr. Randy has been granted Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) in the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s (ICPA) renowned Certification Program.

The ICPA offers Doctors of Chiropractic an opportunity to achieve certification in family wellness chiropractic through advanced academics and clinical studies. The 200-hour curriculum provides the doctor with techniques and protocols of care for children and pregnant women. The 16-module program covers advanced levels of training and expertise in addition to what is offered in chiropractic colleges.

By being certified, Dr. Randy is recognized for his completion of ICPA’s 14 classroom modules taught by today’s leading authorities in family chiropractic and two in-office Practice-Based Research Network projects, which substantiate both practical and evidence-informed clinical competencies.

Dr. Randy is granted his Board Certification from The Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics of the Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice (ACFP). They have been designated with the CACCP credentials and proudly remain a member of the ICPA.

This certification enables Dr. Randy to expand his range of care to individuals throughout pregnancy and childhood with excellence and through evidence-informed practice.

Dr. Randy is the only chiropractor within a 100 radius that has the CACCP!

Dr. Randy says:

"Going through the CACCP program has helped me better understand the uniqueness of babies' and children's nervous systems. Having this understanding allows me to elevate children to a higher potential and quality of life as their nervous system is developing."

For more information about Dr. Randy's practice please visit elevatedlifefc.com. For more information about the ICPA program, please visit: www.icpa4kids.com

#caccp #icpa #webstertechique #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #chirokids #chirokidsrock #pediatricchiropractic #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic ##familywellness

Will One Adjustment Help Me?

While one adjustment can offer you temporary relief from symptoms, it will not correct the underlying cause. The underlying issues have likely been present for some time. Symptoms are your brain's way of letting your body know that something isn't right within the nervous system. Consistent chiropractic care is the key to unlocking your body's innate healing and potential. The odds are high it took time for your body to get to where it is because your nervous system hasn't been functioning correctly. It takes time to elevate your nervous system to the point it can repair and fully heal the body.

If you've been experiencing pain, call our office today to get to the bottom of the root cause! We take your health and wellness seriously. If you're ready too, we're here for you. 208-357-1949

#chiropracticcare #nervoussystemfunction #nervoussystem #symptoms #innatehealing #innatepotential #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #familychiropractic #elevatedlife #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #familywellness #chirokids #chirokidsrock

Earthley Product Mother's Day Giveaway

Did you know that our lymphatic system is in charge of keeping our inflammation levels in check and has a direct impact on how well our body detoxes, digests, AND impacts our neurological, and cardiovascular system?

There are THREE main functions of our lymphatic system:

1. Protection + immunity

2. Regulation

3. Filtration of waste products

In order for our body to keep optimal health, we need to support and work with the body on every level. The lymphatic system is one of the most underrated systems that we MUST pay attention to!

Check out the slides to find out our favorite ways to improve lymphatic flow.

#lymphaticflow #lymphaticsystem #lymphatichealth #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #elevatedlifefamiychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiorpractc #ele

#eastidahomoms #momsofidaho

5 Ways to Improve Lymphatic Flow

Did you know that our lymphatic system is in charge of keeping our inflammation levels in check and has a direct impact on how well our body detoxes, digests, AND impacts our neurological, and cardiovascular system?

There are THREE main functions of our lymphatic system:

1. Protection + immunity

2. Regulation

3. Filtration of waste products

In order for our body to keep optimal health, we need to support and work with the body on every level. The lymphatic system is one of the most underrated systems that we MUST pay attention to!

Check out the slides to find out our favorite ways to improve lymphatic flow.

#lymphaticflow #lymphaticsystem #lymphatichealth #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #elevatedlifefamiychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiorpractc #ele

#eastidahomoms #momsofidaho

ADHD and Chiropractic Care

Daily life can be difficult for our littles struggling with hyperactivity, focus issues, and sensory sensitivities.

While these struggles may seem common, it is not normal. The good news is, there are NATURAL options to helping these littles thrive in their everyday lives.

Check out WHY this can happen and how nervous system-focused chiropractic care can provide support.

Make sure to tag a parent BELOW to show them there are options for their little one's health!

#ADHD #chirokids #chirokidsrock #pediatricchiropractic #hyperactivity #sensoryprocessingissues #sensorysensitivties #highlysensitivechild #familychiropractic #familywellness #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #nervoussystemhealth #nervoussystemcare #nervoussystemchiropractic #nervousystemchiropracticcare

Dr. Randy Shares a Post Surgery Update

Listen or read along while Dr. Randy shares about some of the therapies he’s been doing for his shoulder to help along the healing process. If you have any questions about: 

Soft Wave Therapy

Lymphatic massage

Avant- laser

Arnica **

Living the Good Life-Magnesium Muscle Cream **

Dr Christoper’s Tissue and Bone Ointment 

Physical Therapy 

**we carry these products in our office**

Please drop your questions in there comments! 

Canyon Leaf Baltic Amber Teething Necklace Mother's Day Giveaway


This Baltic Amber Teething Necklace is also included in our Mother's Day Giveaway basket! This necklace has been hugely helpful for many of our patients for teething relief.

Have you tried an amber teething necklace? Share with us in the comments!

CanyonLeaf @canyonleaf

#elevatedlifefamiychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #monthersday #giveaway #teethingnecklace #balticamber #eastidahomoms #momsofidaho #idahochiropractor

Allergies and Chiropractic Care

What are allergies and why do some people severely suffer from them while others do not?

Allergies are typically an indication that your body may not be adapting correctly to external stressors.

An immune system that expresses allergies regularly recognizes ALL foreign invaders as harmful. To completely get rid of allergy symptoms, we must allow the body to be in a state of rest and digest where the immune system adapts better to outside invaders.

Suffering from allergies? Read this post on WHY and HOW chiropractic can help your immune system adapt easier and more efficiently.

#allergies #allergy #allergysymtoms #nervoussystemcare #nervoussystem #eastidahomoms #momsofidaho #momsofidahofalls #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic

Digestive and Chiropractic Care

Are you tired of dealing with constant stomach pains or troubles?

Gas pain, bloating, constipation, irritable bowels, and upset tummies can be a sign that the gut-system connection is not coordinating together.

Interference with the nervous system can occur when emotional, physical, or chemical stressors are introduced to the body. These symptoms come up when the body isn't able to adapt to the stressors properly.

The goal of chiropractic care is to remove this interference on the nervous system so that the brain can communicate freely with the rest of the autonomic nervous system.

Along with nervous system-focused chiropractic care, eating a whole, nutritious diet is key for gut health.

If you are tired of dealing with stomach issues, our office would love to see how chiropractic can improve your gut-nervous system connection!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #guthealth #Nervoussystem #Idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms