What True Health Feels Like

Did you know that it's not normal to feel:

stressed out...

have low energy...

be sick all the time...

in physical pain...

always anxious or depressed...

painful menstrual cycles...

constant allergy symptoms...

When there is an interference in the nervous system, this creates stress and tension within the spine, creating an imbalance that can produce the symptoms listed above.

Chiropractic care is meant to remove interferences to the nervous system to restore the body's natural ability to heal itself and live symptom-free!

If you are looking to improve your overall health and well-being, chiropractic may be the answer! We'd love to support you on your journey to true FREEDOM!

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ADHD and the Nervous System

🧠🌿 Unlocking Potential: Chiropractic Care and ADHD 🚀✨

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects countless individuals, impacting their ability to focus, regulate impulses, and thrive. But did you know that chiropractic care can be a game-changer in managing ADHD symptoms by addressing the nervous system? Let's dive into the fascinating connection between ADHD and the nervous system, and how chiropractic care can help unlock your potential.

ADHD can stem from an overactive nervous system and being stuck in a state of fight or flight. Chiropractic care restores balance by optimizing nervous system function, and improving adaptability to the environment while allowing the brain to find a place of tranquility amidst the chaos.

If you are looking for a natural approach to calming the brain and body, Elevated Life Family Chiropractic is here to help!

How Chiropractic Can Free Your Life

When you hear the word chiropractic do you immediately think about pain?

Did you know that chiropractic care goes beyond alleviating pain? It can empower you to optimize both your emotional and physical health.

Chiropractic allows for less stress which supports mental well-being, helping individuals experience improved mood, reduced anxiety, and enhanced overall mental clarity and resilience. And while many practice members have had improved emotional health, physical health can't be left out!

When the body restores balance, it can adapt better to physical stressors such as prolonged sitting, injuries, and poor posture. This allows people to experience less physical discomfort and live life pain-free!

Are you ready to experience the benefits of chiropractic care beyond pain? You can reach us at 208-681-6372 to see how chiropractic can create more freedom in your life!

Progress Exam Updates!

We love when we check in with our patients at their Progress Exams and see the improvements they are experiencing! This was taken from one of our patient's recent progress exams. If you've ever been curious about how chiropractic care can impact your life, get in touch with our office today! 208-357-1949

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #familiesofidaho #idahochiropractor #getadjusted #progress #improvements #chiropracticcare

Innate Intelligence

We are all born with an innate intelligence within our bodies that allows us

to function, heal, energize, metabolize, and be. Without us telling or

teaching it how to do anything, it simply knows how to perform many tasks

that we don’t even think about before doing them.

Think about this: if you cut your arm, do you need a bandaid to help the cut heal? Or does the body heal itself of the wound without any external input?

That is innate intelligence!

As chiropractors, we are not the ones doing the healing. We are facilitators of health. YOU are the true healer of yourself!

The purpose of chiropractic is to remove any interference so that your body can express its innate intelligence FULLY to function, heal, and energize. To the best of its ability!

#innateintelligence #healers #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahofamilies #idahochiropractor #idahomoms #eastidahomoms

Getting to the Root Cause

Did you know that symptoms are the body's way of communicating to the brain that something is going on or that there is dis-ease within the body?

When we ignore those "warning signs" by putting a bandaid over them, we do our body a disservice by completely ignoring what may be causing those symptoms.

At Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, our goal is to help you feel better and to function at your BEST! Dr. Randy will dive deep into discovering the root cause of your symptoms and assist you in living out your full potential.

#rootcause #symptoms #disease #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #chronicfatigue #allergies #skinissues #brainfog #migranes #GIissues #infertility #heavymetals #mold #emfradiation #environmentaltoxins #gutdysfunction #trauma #chemicals #processedfoods #stress #idahofamilies #idahomoms #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms

What You Feel The Baby Feels

The Connection Between a Mom and Her Unborn Baby!

Did you know a pregnant mom's emotional and physical well-being directly impacts her unborn child? It's a profound bond where what the mom feels, the baby feels too. There is a direct influence of emotional, physical, and chemical stress on the mom and the baby, highlighting the importance of nurturing well-being for their shared journey.

Emotional stress during pregnancy can affect the baby's developing nervous system and emotional health. When a mom experiences stress, the body releases stress hormones that can cross the placenta, impacting the baby's environment. That's why moms must prioritize self-care, practice relaxation techniques, and seek emotional support to cultivate a calm and positive emotional state.

Physical stress, such as poor posture or misalignments, can also affect the mom and baby. These stresses can lead to discomfort, altered pelvic alignment, and potential nerve interference, which may impact the baby's positioning and growth. Seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy can help maintain optimal pelvic balance, support a healthy nervous system, and promote overall well-being for both mom and baby.

Furthermore, chemical stressors, including toxins and certain medications, can have an impact. Research studies have found over 200 "forever chemicals" found in the umbilical cords of newborn babies based on what the mom was exposed to and consuming. Moms should be mindful of their environment, nutrition, and any substances they expose themselves to, ensuring a healthy and toxin-free space for their growing baby.

By nurturing emotional and physical well-being, moms can create a loving, harmonious environment for their unborn child. Prioritizing self-care, seeking chiropractic care, and making conscious choices can positively influence the shared journey of pregnancy, fostering a foundation for the well-being of both mom and baby.



Patient Appreciation Day 8-11-23

Please join us for our Annual Patient Appreciation Day on August 11, 2023 from 6-9 pm.


We will start with dinner in the pavilion behind the pool and then head on up for some swimming! Come for food, fun and some prizes. We have two family game night gift baskets, a pregnancy smorgasbord basket and a date night to giveaway! We will also have yard games and a bounce pad for those that would rather not swim.

We are so grateful for all of you and hope you join us as we thank you for the support you have given through the years.

Address: 440 S Milton Ave, Shelley, ID 83274

Parking can be found here:

Thorne Basic Prenatal Vitamins

Did you know that we carry prenatal vitamins? Thorne has a deep portfolio of personalized offerings – testing that provides individualized data, educational resources, and products that support specific health goals and needs – Thorne is here at every age and life stage. That's why we chose to carry Thorne's Basic Prenatal Vitamin in our office. If you're trying to conceive, are pregnant, or are nursing grab a bottle next time you're in for an adjustment.

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #prenatalvitamin #thorne #pregnancysupport #postpartumsupport #vitamins #prenatalcare #penatalvitamins

Healing Quote

If a fish in a tank was sick because of the environment, would you medicate the fish or choose clean out the tank?

Inevitably, if the tank doesn't get cleaned, the fish will continue to get sick repeatedly.

You can't heal 100% in the same environment that has made you sick, stressed, or hurt.

Although our body's natural state is HEALTHY and is designed to heal itself, sometimes our environment hinders us from healing to our fullest potential.

Our world is filled with toxic chemicals polluting our air, soil, and water. The modern world puts us in chairs for hours, shut off from the sun, staring at screens. All of this poses a threat, and in turn, our health!

At Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we primarily focus on the root cause of your symptoms rather than covering them up with a band-aid. When we look at healing the body fully by cleaning up the environment around us and eliminating potential causes of dysfunction, we see an increase in overall wellness and body functions!

If you are looking for a holistic option for healing, chiropractic may be your missing puzzle piece! Our nervous system controls every system within our body. Chiropractic works DIRECTLY with the nervous system to remove interference allowing your body to function and heal the way it was designed.

Call us at 208-357-1949 to start your journey to wellness today!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #wellness #holistichealth #holisticwellenss #wellness #idahomoms #idahofamilies #idahodads #naturalhealthcare

What is Round Ligament Pain?

Have you experienced pain during pregnancy when walking, standing up from a chair, or rolling over in bed?

The round ligament can get extremely tight and painful as the belly grows and stretches. If the round ligament tightens, this can cause torsion of the uterus and intra-uterine restraints. When it occurs, the baby can become malpositioned.

Although round ligament pain is common during pregnancy, it's not normal.

A chiropractor certified in the Webster Technique can help release the round ligament tension and prepare the body to do what it was created to do.

Dr. Randy is certified in the Webster Technique. This helps you prepare for a healthier and smoother birth and labor.

#webstertechnique #icpa #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms #idahomoms #roundligamentpain #holisticpregnancy #naturalpregnancy #pregnancychiropractic #prenatalchiropractic #naturalbirth #unmedicatedbirth #allbirthsarenatural

Chiropractic and Pregnancy

Chiropractic care can be a game changer. Chiropractic can take a pregnancy from unenjoyable to enjoyable. It's a noninvasive, drug-free way to help you to have the experience you were hoping for.

What's been your experience with chiropractic and pregnancy? Let us know in the comments!

#pregnancy #pregnancychiropractic #webstertechnique #eastidahomoms #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #idahomoms #momsofidaho #familiesofidaho #naturalpregnancy #holisticpregnancy #naturalbirth #unmedicatedbirth

Supporting Postpartum Needs

The postpartum period brings many drastic changes: biomechanically, emotionally, and spiritually. We often forget how much time is needed for complete healing and recovery.

Emotionally and physically, we can support the motherhood transition with our list above!

How can chiropractic help to heal in the postpartum period?

Regular chiropractic adjustments during the journey into motherhood can ensure that your nervous system is functioning at its highest level so that your body can adapt to these major changes. It is important to ensure our neuro-spinal system is open and connected as hormones balance out and soft tissue heals.

If you experienced chiropractic care during the motherhood transition, comment below and let us know! Save this post and send it to a new mama friend!

#postpartum #postpartumhealing #postpartumchiropractic #postpartumchiropracticcare #postpartumjourney #motherhood #newmom #postpartumtips #skintoskin #chiropractic #naturalpostpartum #naturalpostpartumcare #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #idahomoms #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms #idahofamilies #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #familychiropractor

Happy 4th of July!

Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. What a deep word! We are grateful to live in a nation that has our liberty at its forefront.

We hope you all enjoy celebrating safely with your family and friends! Happy 4th of July!

#happy4thofjuly #4thofjuly #celebrate #liberty #flag #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic

Sciatica Nerve Pain

A common reason why people seek out chiropractic care is due to aches and pains.

When the body is out of balance physically and emotionally, the brain perceives this response as increased discomfort or pain.

Sciatica is a pain that is triggered when your sciatic nerve becomes pinched. The sciatic nerve travels from your lower spine, past your hips, and down the leg. When the body is out of balance, this nerve can become compressed, and an electric shock or deep aching pain down the leg and foot.

Chiropractic care improves pelvic balance and creates optimal communication within the autonomic nervous system. This takes stress off the spine and allows for less pain and symptoms!

Tired of dealing with sciatic nerve pain or any other discomforts?

We would love to show you how chiropractic can improve brain-body balance!

#sciaticanervepain #sciaticapain #sciatica #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #chiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #pelvicbalance #balance #nervepain #nervoussystemcommunication