Secrets to Living a Happier Life

Guess what….these aren’t really a secret. But it is helpful to read again to get them familiar in our brain!

1. Focus on the Positive.

To find long-term happiness, you need to retrain your brain from a negative mindset to a positive mindset. Try these things: 

- Spend one to two minutes looking for positive in your life. Do this three times a day for 45 days, and your brain will start doing it automatically.

- Choose a positive mantra for the day-something you will repeat to yourself, such as

“Today is beautiful” 


“I feel grateful for all I have.” 

- And when things go south, take a moment, and try to see it from a positive light. Never underestimate the importance of recognizing the silver linings in life.

2. Celebrate little victories.

Life is full of ups and downs, but in between we have a lot of little victories that go unnoticed. Take a moment to celebrate these small wins. Did you check off the things on your to-do list that you’ve been procrastinating on? Yay! Did you finally clear out a thousand emails that have been filing up in your inbox? Woohoo! Take pleasure in these little achievements. They add up!

3. Find your work-life balance.

Work takes up a lot of our day, but it shouldn’t be the only thing we do. It’s important to pursue activities and interests beyond our job. Do you have hobbies? Are you spending time with  friends and loved ones? Are you getting exercise? Creating balance in your life will reduce stress and give you other outlets to express yourself and have fun.

4. Practice Mindfulness.

Mindfulness meditation works by bringing your awareness and attention to the present moment. It’s about being nonjudgmental and accepting how you are feeling. Practice mindfulness means being present, aware and curious. Accepting what we are going through decreases stress and helps us see situations for what they are. Through mindfulness, we can find peace and affirmation in ourselves.

5. Be Creative.

You may thing of artists as being moody and depressed, but studies show that engaging in creative activities on a regular basis actually makes you happier. Those who spend time using their imagination and being creative have more enthusiasm and are more likely to have feelings of long-term happiness and well-being. Such creating activities can include writing, painting, drawing and musical performance.

6. Accept imperfection.

Many of us strive for perfection-we desire to push ourselves to be our best. But in order to be truly happy, you must embrace the imperfection that is part of life. Perfection is impossible, and holding ourselves and others to these standards is futile. We will always end up feeling let down. Accept that life is imperfect and recognize that there is beauty and grace in that imperfection.

(Originally posted at: