Magnesium Sale-Help you manage Daylight Savings
/Finally, we have more light! Daylight savings is upon us. Embracing the longer days ahead can be invigorating, yet the shift in time can indeed be challenging. To ease into this change, consider gradually adjusting your sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up 15 minutes earlier each day leading up to the time change. Additionally, exposure to natural light in the morning can help regulate your internal clock. Engaging in calming activities before bedtime, such as reading or meditating, can also promote restful sleep during this period of transition. Remember, be patient with yourself as your body adapts to the new schedule. By incorporating these tips, you can navigate daylight savings with a sense of ease and grace.
Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in supporting relaxation, promoting better sleep, and reducing stress levels. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains into your diet can help improve your overall well-being. Additionally, magnesium supplements are available for those who may have trouble getting enough of this essential mineral through their diet alone. Prioritizing magnesium intake can lead to a more restful night's sleep and a calmer, more relaxed state of mind throughout the day. Remember, taking care of your body and mind is essential for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Feel like you might need a little extra help? Magnesium is a wonderful way to help your body ease into a state of rest and digest vs. fight or flight. We put this on our feet before bed, spray on our bodies, or rub the muscle cream in when we are feeling a little stiff. This month, all our Magnesium products are 10% off!
Visit our office located at 120 N. Emerson Ave. in Shelley.
Product Spotlight
/With Spring FINALLY here and Southeast Idaho getting outside more, we are sharing Dr. Randy's go-to remedy for this time of year. Arnica is the perfect remedy to have on hand for bumps and bruises, muscle pain, stiffness, and swelling from injuries. This is one of the most popular products we carry in the office! Next time you're in the office, grab a tube or two of the melt-away tablets so you're ready for your next adventure!
#arnica #arnicamontana #homeopathy #natrualremedies #innatehealing #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #familychiropractic #elevatedlife #southeastidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #momsofinstagram #spring #idahochiropractor
Pregnancy Squat Variations
/During pregnancy, squats are an excellent resistance exercise to maintain strength and range of motion in the hips, glutes, core, and pelvic floor muscles. When performed correctly, squats can help improve posture, and they have the potential to assist with the birthing process. This is such a simple exercise to add to your day. We know you have a lot on your plate. Did you add squats into your daily routine when you were pregnant? Share your experience in the comments!
#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #familychiropractic #elevatedlife #squats #pregnancyexercise #pregnancy #naturalpregnancy #naturalbirth #holisticpregnancy #webstertechnique #pregnancychiropractic #healthypregnancy #idahokoms #eastidahomoms #momsofinstagram #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor
5 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System

Are you ready to learn how to calm and regulate your nervous system with ease?
Swipe to find out our favorite ways to support the nervous system above!
Insight Scans

Did you know that we live our entire lives through our nervous systems?
Every movement, sensation, emotion, and organ function is under the guidance of the nerves
Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we perform a neurological assessment on day 1 and throughout your care with us to track progress on your health journey.
The insight scans are made up of the three most critical spinal-neural tests: Heart Rate Variability, Surface EMG, and Thermal Scan which tell us how stress is impacting your overall health and well-being. It precisely detects where and how deep the problem is. Chronic stress and body tension over time can hinder our overall health.
Based on your individualized neurological assessment, Dr. Randy will develop a highly personalized care plan with the goal of moving toward optimal neuro-spinal function.
#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #insightscans #nervoussystem #neurologicalhealth #chronicstress #stress #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor #shelleyidaho #idahofalls #ammon #blackfoot
Raising Healthy Kids Pt. 3

Raising healthy kids
Part 2: Immunity
The best thing you can do for your child’s immune system is to take the necessary steps to KEEP them healthy right from the start!
Building a strong foundation from the start can be crucial to keeping your kiddos healthy and happy!
When it comes to viruses and other sicknesses, our first line of defense is to choose an overall healthy LIFESTYLE! There are many preventive measures we can implement into our everyday lives to keep our kiddo's immune system balanced and functioning at its highest potential!
- Regular chiropractic adjustments
Did you know that the nervous system has a direct connection to immune function? When the nervous system is clear of any interference, the immune system can regulate properly!
- Try garlic oil vs antibiotics
We recommend trying garlic oil for ear infections rather than going straight to antibiotics! @shoporganicolivia has a great kids' line that we recommend.
- Use essential oils
Thieves, lavender, and oregano are great essential oils to support the immune system. How to use them? 5 drops of each oil diluted and rolled down the spine/on the feet.
- Probiotics for gut health
We recommend @klaire_labs probiotics for littles to optimize the gut-immune system! We carry them in the office if you are local.
- Let fevers do their things
Did you know fevers are a good thing for the body? It’s the way the body gets rid of the nasty bugs circulating! Take an Epsom salt bath and lots of skin-to-skin cuddles to help support the fever naturally!
What are things you are doing to set your kiddo's immune system up for success? Let us know in the comments below!
Optimal Position During Pregnancy
/Throughout pregnancy, the growing body tries to adapt to the weight gain, increase of hormones, and postural changes that follow. These postural changes increase the risk of sacral/pelvic imbalance at any given time. The bones of the pelvis and the supportive network of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and associated nerves are all under constant pressure and change. The resulting torsion and inflammation of imbalanced muscles and ligaments may then prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for their birthing.
Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, Dr. Randy is Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Webster technique is defined as "A specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment for pelvic balance during pregnancy allowing for optimal fetal positioning (head down/anterior) for an easier, safer birth. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation and/or SI Joint dysfunction. In so doing, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”
Prenatal chiropractic care is essential for optimal positioning during pregnancy, allowing the body to be in a state of ease for a safer and easier birth process.
Dr. Randy's Favorite Parker Principle
/Dr. Randy went to school at Parker University in Dallas, TX. One of the main reasons he chose to go there was because of the Parker Principles. These principles were developed by Dr. Jim Parker, the founder of Parker University. They are grounded in compassionate care and loving service. The most well-known principle is, “Loving service is my first technique.” Dr. Randy feels the principle, “Develop a compassion to serve that is greater than the compulsion to survive,” is what helped him to cling to the “loving service,” principle!
#parkerprinciples #parkeruniversity #lovingservice #compassionatecare #thrive #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #chiropracticcare #familychiropractic
Raising Healthy Kids Pt. 2

During the first 2 years of life, a child’s brain is forming neural connections at an exponential rate! Physical interactions, touch, free play, and sleep mainly fuel these connections.
The American Academy of Pediatrics calls for no screen time for children until 18 to 24 months, except for video chatting, and says kids ages 2 to 5 should get an hour or less of screen time per day! 👏🏼
Why is no screen time necessary?
👉🏼 screen time requires little to no movement or effort, therefore it’s not aiding developmental milestones or muscle strength
👉🏼 images on a screen can move too fast for a developing brain to process and have been shown to alter attention span
👉🏼 your little ones need to be a little “bored”... when they are constantly overstimulated, it makes it more difficult for them to rely on themselves for imaginative play and entertainment
👉🏼 poor posture, especially during the age of such crucial spinal development.
We encourage you to get on the ground with your little one and interact with free play, get outside and explore nature, and connect and grow with your little one as they grow and develop! 🌟
#screentime #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #pediatricchiropractic #developmentalmilestones #barefoot #freeplay #getoutside #explore #spinaldevelopment #chirokidsrock #chirokids
Testimonial Tuesday
/Thank you Devan D. for sharing your experience with Dr. Randy! We love hearing our patients see results so quickly.
#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #testimonialtuesday #chiropracticcare #famillychiropractic #headaches #correctivecare
Raising Healthy Kids Pt. 1

The first few years of our kids' lives are fundamentally the MOST important years to set them on a path to wellness! Nutrition is critical for ensuring proper development, preventing illnesses, and maximizing learning capabilities.
Tips and benefits for childhood nutrition 👇🏼
- Create healthy eating habits
E D U C A T E! We highly encourage teaching the importance of good nutrition right from the start! The more your kids know, the more excited they will be to eat healthily!
- Nourish the brain
The brain uses more energy than any other organ in our body! Everything from learning to memory and attentiveness is affected by the foods we consume. Kids' rapidly developing brains need a nutrient-dense diet, without it, they may struggle in certain developmental areas.
- Supports strong immunity
Gut health is an important key to a strong immune system. The foods we choose to feed our kiddos can either support or hinder their immune system. We recommend introducing a diet rich in nutrients and avoiding processed and inflammatory foods to set their immune system up for success right from the start!
#guthealth #nutrientrichdiet #brainhealth #raisinghealthykids #immunesupport #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahomoms #idahochiropractic #southeastidaho #chirokids #chirokidsrock #pediatricchiropracticcare
Immune System Support

Did you know your immune system works to recognize and identify an infection in the body, resulting in an immune response? When our body shows symptoms, it's really just our immune system doing its JOB! 😁
When it comes to viruses and other sicknesses, our first line of defense is to choose an overall healthy L I F E S T Y L E! A strong foundation of health is KEY! 🔑
There are many preventative measures we can implement into our every life to keep our immune system balanced + functioning at its best! ✨
Swipe right to check out these great tips to help support your immune system as we approach the school year! 📚
#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #immunesystem #movementismedecine #getadjusted #idahomoms #sotheastidaho #idahochiropractors #nervoussystemhealth #probiotics #prebiotics
The Science Behind Ear Infections

Did you know 85% of kids suffer from ear infections?
They may be common, but they are NOT normal.
If your child deals with reoccurring ear infections, taking them to see a pediatric chiropractor may benefit them!
Check out this post on the science behind ear infections and how regular adjustments can help!
#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #pediatricchiropractor #earinfections #naturalremedies #chirokidsrock
The Relationship Between Gut Health and Chiropractic Care
/Chiropractic care optimizes your body's functions, including the digestion process! Consistent chiropractic adjustments help take you OUT of that fight or flight mode, and into the rest and digest side so your body can function optimally!
Are you struggling with digestion or other gut health issues? Chiropractic can help! Give us a call at, 208-357-1949, to start living life at your fullest potential and get to the root cause of your symptoms!
#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #guthealth #idahochiropractor #eastidahomoms #immunesystem #stressmanagement #acidreflux #constipation #chiropracticcare #natrualsolutions
7 Steps to Becoming a Healthier You
/Are you tired of feeling sick and tired, but not knowing where to start?
Check out our S E V E N tips to becoming a healthier YOU!
At Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we encourage you to dive deeper into all 7 of these to see how you can adapt better to your lifestyle.
#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #healthieryou #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor #idahofalls #idahomoms #ammonidaho #rigbyidaho #wyoming #montana #blackfootidaho #getadjusted #joyfulmovement #wholefoods #sleeproutines
Commit to These 6 Habits and See What Changes Happen in Your Life

We're past that 2-week hump of those New Year’s Resolutions, those "New year, new me," grand declarations of planning to change everything starting January 1st. Most people abandon their New Year's resolutions within the first 2 weeks of the year.
Instead of making huge changes, try adding small things and building on them over time. Doing small things consistently could drastically shift your ability to move through your day-to-day life.
Pick one to start with and when you feel like you're ready to add more, slowly incorporate them into your routine. Starting off with a commitment to meditate for 15 minutes a day if you have never meditated or are recommitting to it after a long sabbatical, will feel like an uphill battle. Start with 30 seconds to 1 minute and add another 30 seconds to 1 minute every 2 weeks to a month. Whatever keeps you coming back to it consistently!
What have you found to be helpful in the process of creating new habits? Drop your tips in the comments!
#newyear #newyearnewme #habits #habitstacking #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor #familychiropractor #chiropracticare
Self Love & Self Care
/February is all about self-love and self-care.
Self-love is an important part of life and can be practiced in many different ways.
One of the best ways to practice self-love is to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself.
Make sure that you’re getting enough rest, spending some time grounding, working on mindset practices, eating whole nutritious foods, and engaging in activities that fill YOUR cup.
It’s important to take time for yourself and do things that you enjoy. For example, you can journal or meditate, read a book, spend time in nature, cook your favorite meal, and even take the time to rest in a bath.
Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, one of our favorite ways for self-care is to make sure the nervous system is free of any interference so that you can adapt to life stressors with EASE. Nervous system care is the ultimate form of self-love.
Asthma and Chiropractic Care

Do you constantly find yourself suffering from respiratory issues such as allergies and asthma?
You are not alone!
While chiropractic care is not meant to "cure" anything, it is meant to locate and address the disturbance to the body's healing capabilities.
Swipe to find out the WHY behind the cause and how chiropractic can help!
#asthma #chiropracticcare #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #mountainwest #montana #wyoming #ammonidaho #blackfootidaho #idahofalls #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #respiratoryissues #allergies #nervoussystemhealth
Breath Work and How it Affects the Nervous System
/Did you know that utilizing breathwork can tap right into our nervous system?
When we use our full diaphragm to breathe, it activates our Vagus Nerve. Our Vagus Nerve is a powerful cranial nerve that triggers our parasympathetic nervous system allowing our body to relax.
If our body is constantly in a state of sympathetic overdrive (this is called fight or flight), our physical and emotional states are under stress and imbalance.
By breathing deeply with a slow and steady inhalation-to-exhalation ratio-- our breath can signal our parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body down and get out of a state of "stress."
Try taking 5 to 10 minutes out of your day to breathe intentionally and let us know how you feel below!
#breathwork #nervoussystemhealth #vagusnerve #anxiety #stress #depression #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahofalls #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #webstertechnique #postpartum #pregnancy #mountainwest #ammonidaho #blackfootidaho #southeastidaho