Nature's Medicine Cabinet

Did you know that your body is self-healing and self-regulating just the way you are? Sometimes, the body needs a little support to heal quicker!

Swipe to learn Elevated Life Family Chiropractic's favorite "tools" to keep in our "natural medicine cabinet."

The great thing about these suggestions is that they can be taken solo or combined. The goal is to always support the nervous system through chiropractic care and layer on these "natural tools" as needed!

What are your favorite items to keep in your Nature's Medicine Cabinet?

Let us know below!

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Coming Up This Month

With the holidays coming up, things are a little quieter around the office. Here's what we have coming up this month!

Nov. 9th - If you are a new patient or you haven't made it to one of our Special Appointments, be sure to jump on the next one! Dr. Randy gives a presentation on the nervous system and chiropractic care AND dinner is served! It's always DELICIOUS!

Nov 22nd - 24th - We are closed on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, and Friday. If you have any questions about your schedule this week, please check with one of our CAs, Mattie or Shannon, at the front desk.

Nov 30th & Dec 1st - CLOSED! We will be open a full day on Wednesday, November 29th (as opposed to our normal schedule of 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.) to accommodate being closed on Thursday and Friday this week. Again if this interferes with your regularly scheduled appointments, please check in with Mattie and Shanon at the front desk!

Chronic Coughs and Chiropractic

Did you know that chiropractic care can be your ally in the battle against chronic and irritating coughs? 💪🤧 Beyond easing aches and pains, nervous system-focused chiropractic care optimizes your body's natural defense systems.

Through chiropractic care, Dr. Randy's goal is to enhance nervous system regulation, which allows for optimal immune function and respiratory health. By addressing underlying imbalances or interference within the spine, chiropractic care not only reduces the risk of falling ill but can help diminish those nagging coughs that just won't quit.

Are you ready to see how chiropractic care can help you or your child with improved health? Elevated Life Family Chiropractic would love to help find the root cause of these issues and help set the foundation for overall adaptability and healing!

#chroniccough #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #idahomoms #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms

Thank You For Spending Halloween With Us

Thank you for carving some time out of your day to spend your Halloween with us at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic! It's so much fun to get to dress up as a staff and to see all of you and your kids' creative creations. We look forward to next year! Welcome November!

#idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #halloween

The 3 T's of Chiropractic

Let's talk about the three T's of chiropractic!

The majority of spinal subluxation causes can typically fall into three categories, known as the three Ts: thoughts, traumas, and toxins.

Thankfully, each of these things can be alleviated through chiropractic care!

No matter what specific area of concern you may be dealing with, whether it be trauma, toxins, or thoughts, Dr. Randy is an expert in neurologically-based chiropractic care and is highly trained to find specific spinal subluxations, correct them with gentle adjustments resulting in proper function of the central nervous system.

Because the brain and spine are the center of the central nervous system, ensuring they are in proper balance means that our body can be properly balanced to handle whatever comes our way, whether it be stress on the body, stress in our thinking, or stress on our system from unwanted toxins.

Call us at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic to see for yourself how chiropractic care can enhance overall healing and help you feel and function at your best!

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Don't Forget!

Halloween is next Tuesday! Don't forget to wear your costume to the office for your adjustment! Dr. Randy and the Chiropractic Assistants will be in their costumes as well! We can't wait to see your costumes!

#happyhalloween #halloween #halloweencostume #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #momsofidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic

Breastfeeding and Chiropractic

The breastfeeding journey between a mom and baby is nothing short of amazing. Breastfeeding goes beyond nourishment. It reinforces the sacred bond between you and your child, encourages your uterus to resume its normal size, and releases oxytocin (the love hormones).

While breastfeeding is a natural process and latching is innate to babies, it doesn't mean it always comes naturally. Chiropractic care allows for improved latch and decreases overall body tension and restrictions.

Dr. Randy ensures that proper latch and tension are released physically but is here to guide you to the right support to help with your breastfeeding journey!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #breastfeeding #postpartum #oxytocin #postpartumchiropractic #idahomoms #momsofidaho #eastidiahomoms #momsofeastidaho #chirokids #chirokidsrock #newbornchiropractic #newbornadjustment

What Side of the Nervous System are You Functioning On

You go to the dentist to get your teeth checked.

You go to the optometrist to get your eyes checked...

So why aren't you going to the chiropractor to get your nervous system checked?!

We live our entire lives through our nervous system. It controls every single function within our body! A well-balanced nervous system allows us to feel and function our best. This makes us more resilient and able to adapt better to life stressors.

Chiropractic adjustments work specifically with the nervous system to help our body function on the parasympathetic side of our nervous system, also known as the "wellness cycle." When we are in a state of ease our body can adapt to sickness, recover faster, improve our digestion, decrease inflammation, and so much more!

So what are you waiting for? Come see what side of your nervous system you are functioning on. Call Elevated Life Family Chiropractic to get your first appointment scheduled today!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #nervoussystem #getadjusted #parasympatheticmode #subluxation #disease #rootcause #symtoms #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic

4 Ways Chiropractic Can Help With Pelvic Floor Issues

Your pelvic floor is basically a large sheet of muscles that stretches from your tailbone in the back to your pubic bone in the front. The muscles that make up the pelvic floor help to keep the organs in the area, such as your bladder and bowel, in place. You can think about these muscles as slings or hammocks for the organs in the pelvis, offering them constant support.

Issues with the muscles that comprise the pelvic floor are unfortunately pretty common. This is because, over the course of life, they can become too tight, stretched out, or too weak to do their job appropriately. One of the biggest causes behind weakened or stretched pelvic floor muscles is pregnancy -- an event that definitely puts the area through its paces!

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition many women suffer from but are often embarrassed to seek help for. You don’t have to suffer from the side effects of pelvic floor dysfunction because... chiropractic care CAN help!

Swipe to see 4 ways chiropractic adjustments can help pelvic floor issues.

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Immune System Support: Elderberry

Have you been looking for things to help support your family's immune systems during these colder months? Aside from regular adjustments, which help keep the immune system functioning optimally, elderberry is a great addition to your routine!

What exactly are elderberries and what do they do for our bodies?

The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.

Next time you're in the office, check out the options we have from Earthley.

Elderberry Syrup DIY Kit

Elderberry DIY Kits make it easier than ever! There's no need to overbuy herbs or spend time researching for the best recipe. Simply boil in water and add honey, syrup, or a sweetener of choice. Each kit makes about two cups of syrup, which is enough to last one month for a family of four.

Elderberry Elixir

Elderberry Elixir is a liquid botanical remedy that combines elderberries with lung- and immune-supporting herbs. It’s shelf-stable, super-concentrated, and easy to use! Elderberry has a long history of use for both daily immune support and as a respiratory remedy. Our formula is more powerful than elderberry alone because of its complementary herbs! Made with certified organic ingredients.

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #immunesupport #earthley #elderberry #elderberrysyrup #elderberryelixir #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor #momsofidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms

Is Chiropractic Safe for Kids?

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of chiropractic care for newborns and little kids?

Essential neuro-development changes are crucial to lifelong growth and development. With pediatric chiropractic care, a child can grow and thrive right from the start.

At birth, roughly 100 billion neurons have already developed in a child’s brain; few will be produced after this point in a child’s life. Getting your child checked by a chiropractor regularly from birth ensures their neuro-spinal system is clear and connected so they can better adapt to life stressors and develop optimally.

The earlier- the better!

Pediatric chiropractic care is completely safe and uses low force. No twisting or sounds checking a child's nervous system can be compared to checking the ripeness of an avocado.

At office name, Dr. Randy has extensive training in pediatric chiropractic care and can assess if your child is functioning at their best.

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #pediatricchiropractic #chiropkids #chirokidsrock #getadjusted #pediatricchiropracticcare #develomentalmilestones #newbornchiropractic #idahomoms #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms #momsofeastidaho #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor

Patient Testimonial

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We love to see these kinds of results with chronic pain.

If you've had a positive experience with Elevated Life Family Chiropractic and Dr. Randy, please share it with our front desk staff, or better yet, shoot us a text!

#testimonialtuesday #patientwins #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahochiropractic #chronicpain

Staying Active During Pregnancy

Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we encourage intentional movement and staying active during all phases of pregnancy.

Staying active during pregnancy helps:

-decrease stress

-boost mood

-improve sleep

-increase energy

-core and pelvic floor support

-decrease discomforts

-stronger connection with baby and self

-prepares physically for labor

The intention behind movement during pregnancy is quality over quantity. The goal is to feel good and listen to your body. We encourage you to be intentional and focus on breathing as well!

Did you stay active during pregnancy? Drop your favorite prenatal movements below!

#pregnancy #pregnancychiropractic #icpa #activepregnancy #holisticpregnancy #naturalpregnancy #intentionalmovement #breathing #feelgoodpregnancy #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #eastidaho #southeastidaho #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor

Homeopathy for Hay Fever

Have you been struggling with hay fever this season? Give Histaminum a try from Boiron, one of the most trusted brands we carry in our office. We know how unbearable allergies can be, and we're here with solutions from chiropractic care to homeopathy to help you function at your best!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #eastidaho #southeastidaho #homeopathy #boiron #chiropracticcare #getadjusted #adjustment #harvestseason #hayfever #seasonalallergies #seasonalallergyrelief

Do You Sit at a Desk All Day At Work?

Are you spending hours at a desk and feeling the toll it takes on your body?

Let's talk about those physical stressors and how you can find relief! 🧘‍♀️✨

Sitting for prolonged periods can wreak havoc on your posture, causing discomfort in your neck, back, and shoulders.

Our six tips to improve posture during work or school are:

1. Ergonomic Setup: Adjust your desk, chair, and computer screen to promote proper posture. Your screen should be at eye level, and your feet should be flat on the ground with knees at a 90-degree angle. Even better, a stand-up desk!

2. Regular breaks: Take short breaks every 30 minutes to stand up, stretch, and move around. Stretch your neck, shoulders, back, and hips to release tension and improve circulation.

3. Posture Awareness: Be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head, aligning your spine, and keeping your shoulders relaxed.

4. Strengthen Core Muscles: A strong core supports your spine and helps maintain good posture. Incorporate exercises like planks, bridges, and yoga poses that engage your core muscles. Check out BIRTHFIT Basics for intentional core movements that are great for every human!

5. Mindful Breathing: Take moments throughout the day to practice deep, mindful breathing. As you inhale, envision your breath expanding your chest and lifting your spine. This simple practice can help relax tense muscles, improve oxygen flow, and encourage a more upright posture.

6. Chiropractic Care: Regular chiropractic adjustments can correct imbalances and relieve discomfort. Not only does it improve physical stress response but emotional as well!

Ready to break free from the desk slump? Call us at 208-357-1949 to see how chiropractic care can improve your posture!

#elevatedlifefamiychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #workbackissues #backissues #posture #physicalstressors #chiropracticcare #adjustment #getadjustment #strengthencore

Why Your Nervous System is the Foundation for Healing

Thank you, Melissa M., for sharing your experience with us! We love hearing little ones are feeling better after an adjustment!

If you've had a great experience with Dr. Randy, please share it with one of our Chiropractic Assistants at the front desk or shoot us a text!

#testimonialtuesday #patientwin #idahochiropractic #idahochiropractor #pediatricchiropractor #chirokidsrock #momsofidaho #eastidahomoms #momsofeasternidaho #icpa #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #eastidaho #southeastidaho