Commit to These 6 Habits and See What Changes Happen in Your Life

We're past that 2-week hump of those New Year’s Resolutions, those "New year, new me," grand declarations of planning to change everything starting January 1st. Most people abandon their New Year's resolutions within the first 2 weeks of the year.
Instead of making huge changes, try adding small things and building on them over time. Doing small things consistently could drastically shift your ability to move through your day-to-day life.
Pick one to start with and when you feel like you're ready to add more, slowly incorporate them into your routine. Starting off with a commitment to meditate for 15 minutes a day if you have never meditated or are recommitting to it after a long sabbatical, will feel like an uphill battle. Start with 30 seconds to 1 minute and add another 30 seconds to 1 minute every 2 weeks to a month. Whatever keeps you coming back to it consistently!
What have you found to be helpful in the process of creating new habits? Drop your tips in the comments!
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