Immune System Support

Did you know your immune system works to recognize and identify an infection in the body, resulting in an immune response? When our body shows symptoms, it's really just our immune system doing its JOB! 😁

When it comes to viruses and other sicknesses, our first line of defense is to choose an overall healthy L I F E S T Y L E! A strong foundation of health is KEY! 🔑

There are many preventative measures we can implement into our every life to keep our immune system balanced + functioning at its best! ✨

Swipe right to check out these great tips to help support your immune system as we approach the school year! 📚

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #immunesystem #movementismedecine #getadjusted #idahomoms #sotheastidaho #idahochiropractors #nervoussystemhealth #probiotics #prebiotics

Natural Steps to Help Overwhelm and Anger in Little Ones

Have you noticed that when transitions come up that our little ones seem to get overwhelmed and angry much easier?

You aren't alone!

When our little ones have these outbursts of behavior, it can leave us parents feeling like we do not have control, often embarrassed, or even helpless.

If you notice that transitioning from one thing to another is a challenge, swipe through the above for tips on how to move through these emotions more smoothly.

If you want to see how chiropractic can benefit your little one, reach out to us at 208-357-1949 before the school year starts!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #familylife #overwhelm #anger #chirokidsrock #postpartumlife #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #vagusnerve #parasympatheticnervoussystem #nervoussystemhealth

The Science Behind Ear Infections

Did you know 85% of kids suffer from ear infections?

They may be common, but they are NOT normal.

If your child deals with reoccurring ear infections, taking them to see a pediatric chiropractor may benefit them!

Check out this post on the science behind ear infections and how regular adjustments can help!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #pediatricchiropractor #earinfections #naturalremedies #chirokidsrock


Have you ever felt anxious or nervous when your little one feels "hot" to the touch?

We know how scary it can feel when your child is sick, but know that fevers are actually a GOOD thing!

Swipe to learn all about fevers, why they shouldn't be seen as a bad thing, when you should be worried, and how to heal them naturally!

#fever #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #southeastidaho #mountainwest #wyoming #montana #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #healthykids #naturalhealing #chirokids #chirokidsrock #ammonidaho #idahofalls #rexburgidaho #rigby

Commit to These 6 Habits and See What Changes Happen in Your Life

We're past that 2-week hump of those New Year’s Resolutions, those "New year, new me," grand declarations of planning to change everything starting January 1st. Most people abandon their New Year's resolutions within the first 2 weeks of the year.

Instead of making huge changes, try adding small things and building on them over time. Doing small things consistently could drastically shift your ability to move through your day-to-day life.

Pick one to start with and when you feel like you're ready to add more, slowly incorporate them into your routine. Starting off with a commitment to meditate for 15 minutes a day if you have never meditated or are recommitting to it after a long sabbatical, will feel like an uphill battle. Start with 30 seconds to 1 minute and add another 30 seconds to 1 minute every 2 weeks to a month. Whatever keeps you coming back to it consistently!

What have you found to be helpful in the process of creating new habits? Drop your tips in the comments!

#newyear #newyearnewme #habits #habitstacking #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor #familychiropractor #chiropracticare

Self Love & Self Care

February is all about self-love and self-care.

Self-love is an important part of life and can be practiced in many different ways.

One of the best ways to practice self-love is to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself.

Make sure that you’re getting enough rest, spending some time grounding, working on mindset practices, eating whole nutritious foods, and engaging in activities that fill YOUR cup.

It’s important to take time for yourself and do things that you enjoy. For example, you can journal or meditate, read a book, spend time in nature, cook your favorite meal, and even take the time to rest in a bath.

Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, one of our favorite ways for self-care is to make sure the nervous system is free of any interference so that you can adapt to life stressors with EASE. Nervous system care is the ultimate form of self-love.

Meet Brycie

Meet Brycie! Brycie came to Elevated Life Family Chiropractic shortly after she moved to Blackfoot from Northern Utah. Brycie brings her experience with kids, kind spirit, and calmness to the office. We really enjoy having her as a part of our team!

#meettheteam #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho

Breath Work and How it Affects the Nervous System

Did you know that utilizing breathwork can tap right into our nervous system?

When we use our full diaphragm to breathe, it activates our Vagus Nerve. Our Vagus Nerve is a powerful cranial nerve that triggers our parasympathetic nervous system allowing our body to relax.

If our body is constantly in a state of sympathetic overdrive (this is called fight or flight), our physical and emotional states are under stress and imbalance.

By breathing deeply with a slow and steady inhalation-to-exhalation ratio-- our breath can signal our parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body down and get out of a state of "stress."

Try taking 5 to 10 minutes out of your day to breathe intentionally and let us know how you feel below!

#breathwork #nervoussystemhealth #vagusnerve #anxiety #stress #depression #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #idahofalls #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #webstertechnique #postpartum #pregnancy #mountainwest #ammonidaho #blackfootidaho #southeastidaho

Patient Testimonial

Thank you Shelby E. for sharing your experience with chiropractic care and Dr. Randy! Chiropractic care can be life-changing. It's a great place to start your health journey. If you have been searching for a healthcare provider that will spend more than 15 minutes with you and will listen to your concerns, Elevated Life Family Chiropractic is the place for you!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #testimonialtuesday #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #mountainwest #ammonidaho #wyoming #montana #chiropracticcare #nervoussystemhealth #blackfootidaho #idahofalls

Pelvic Balance

Are you struggling with low back discomfort, incontinence, shooting pains, or just feeling uncomfortable?

There are NATURAL solutions to get comfortable during the motherhood transition.

Check out how chiropractic can help above and give us a call to set the foundation in your pregnancy or postpartum period!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #pelvicbalance #pregnancychiropractic #webstertechnique #naturalpregnancy #pregnancycare #pregnancychiropracticcare #pregnancychiropractic #pregnancy #sijointpain #naturalsolutions #eastidahomoms #idahomoms #idahofalls #ammonidaho #blackfootidaho #pocatelloidaho

Meet Randee

Meet Randee! She came to Meet Randee! She came to Elevated Life Family Chiropractic PLLC as a patient initially and shortly after joined the team to help run our social media, back office, and community outreach. Randee is just as passionate about the pregnancy and birth world as we are! We are grateful to have her as a part of our team!

#meettheteam #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor

6 Ways to Naturally Support Your Energy

Are you feeling "blah" or "rundown" by the middle of the day, yet you don't know why?

Energy is something we all need but can't seem to get enough of.

If you are tired of being tired, check out these tips on supporting your energy levels so you can feel and function your best!

#naturalenergy #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #mountainwest #idahomoms #idahofalls #ammonidaho #rexburgidaho #burnout #energy #energylevels #

Our Vision

Our vision is to see a community of connected and empowered families that are proactive in elevating their Innate potential.

Nothing makes us happier than having entire families coming in to see us. We love seeing our patient’s families grow in size, age, and in their personal lives; living up to their Innate potential. We take so much pride in this. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives.

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #idahochiro #chirokidsrock #chirokids #webstertechnique #ourvision #innatepotential #innatehealing #

Meet Laycee

Meet Laycee, Chiropractic Assistant extraordinaire! If you've been in our office Laycee has likely dazzled you with her bubbly personality. Laycee is such a hard worker and knows the office inside and out. She keeps us all in line. We are so grateful to have her!

#meettheteam #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor

Benefits of Getting Outside

During these colder months, we find ourselves inside more often. Did you know that enjoying nature and getting sunshine has great impacts on our health? The winter months make it harder to do just that.

The lack of vitamin D can make it harder to sleep and we can begin to notice ourselves and our family getting sick more often. GET OUTSIDE WHEN THE SUN IS OUT! Take advantage when you can and try to wear as little clothing as you can get away with while still staying warm. Even if the sun isn't out, try to take a short walk outside. It can be a game-changer when you're having a rough day.

Check out the graphic above for some health benefits of getting outside. We encourage you to get outside this week and tag us @elevatedlifefc in your favorite ways to get outside during the winter! BONUS if it's with your little ones!

#getoutside #winteroutdoors #montana #wyoming #idahomoms #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #mountainwest #idahofalls #rexburgidaho #ammonidaho #blackfootidaho #chirokidsrock #chirokids

Testimonial Tuesday

We live for these messages! Thank you so much Ashley L. for sharing about the changes you've been noticing with Adeline.

Chiropractic care can be life-changing for kiddos. If your parent's gut tells you something just isn't right with your child and you've been told everything is fine by other healthcare professionals, give us a call at 208-357-1949. Dr. Randy can give your child the time and attention they need to get the root cause of what is going on.

#patientreview #testimonialtuesday #chirokids #chirokidsrock #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #montana #wyoming #idahofalls #ammonidaho #blackfootidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #webstertechnique #nervoussystemhealth #nervoussystem

Your POWERFUL body!

In the past twenty-three months, much has been said about Immunity. Our nations have been bombarded ad nauseum with conflicting information regarding this topic. Natural immunity, mRNA vaccines, lockdowns, vaccine passports, human rights, coercion, censorship, Pfizer, Moderna, as well as other companies, have been the staple of conversation across the United States and Canada, and globally.

These have not been easy conversations. Some of them have alienated families, friends, towns, and states, as many government mandates have not made much sense, and seem to have been launched in the face of science. At best, they have been a knee jerk reaction to the threat of sickness. Some have even been politically exploited. I know you’re shocked.

However, in all the hubbub, it appears we have become a little “lost.” Many of you simply don’t know which way to turn. I want you to know you are not alone.

It is abundantly clear, however, most people do not understand Immunity and the role your Immune system plays in your health and wellbeing. And that is why you’re reading my words. Right?

So...What is this Immune thing you are wondering? it is the protective mechanism of your body. It is the system that makes sure you survive at all costs. It wages war with any foreign agent – any bug, germ, virus, or particle that does not belong. Anything that is not part of your body. Is not part of you. Is not you. Is foreign. An outsider. You get the picture. And its task is to annihilate this invader. Remove it. Wipe it out!

Blow it away!

Here's the really cool thing: Your Immune System is under the perfect guidance and direction of your Nervous System. Surprised? Can you see why we are so adamant you get your children and family checked in our office? It is crucial! By now you probably realize your Nervous System controls every part of your being. As I have said umpteen times, your Nervous System controls all of you – even your mental state. This relatively new all-encompassing understanding is referred to as Psychoneuroimmunology. Whew! There’s a huge word for you!

Innate Intelligence

You may be wondering: WHAT? What is that? And why is it so important? I’ve used these words when explaining your recovery to you, so here it is:

It has been coined the ‘Wisdom of the Body” by some, “Nature” by others, and “The Force” by George Lucas, producer of Star Wars. Chiropractors refer to this force as Innate Intelligence. It simply refers to your body’s own organizational ability and its ability to self-heal, self-regulate, self-thrive, and self-adapt. 

Deepak Chopra said it best: “Intelligence is present everywhere in our bodies . . . our own intelligence is far superior to any we can try to substitute from the outside.” 

There is a force we have inside us that guides our growth, our development, and our life. Examples of this force are ever present and are in our everyday environment. 

My very favorite is the bumblebee. You may not even be aware of this, but it never ceases to amaze me. According to scientists and computer models, the bumblebee can’t fly. Because of its weight, and ratio of its wings to its weight, the dihedral angle of wind assault, the speed of wing movements and other physical variables, it is mathematically impossible for a bumblebee to fly. However, bumblebees do not know this and fly anyway, defying all laws of science known to man. 

Did you know, for example, that every second of your life billions of cells in your body are breaking down foods, they are dying, and they are being reborn? Nerves are shooting information all over your very being and your lunch is being turned into muscle cells, heart cells, and skin cells. Damaged tissues are repaired and replaced, germs and cancer cells killed every minute, and the production of your cells and all chemical processes – approximately 150,000 - are being monitored every second. And all this amazing and wondrous activity takes place while you are sleeping, reading, or driving your car. Amazing, is it not? That is the wisdom of your body — Innate Intelligence.