
Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we love to talk all things growth and development when it comes to your little one. While these time frames are general, know that your little one may develop earlier, right in the middle, or later than these ranges-- and that is okay! The big thing we want to focus on is that these milestones are being hit in ORDER, rather than getting tied to time frames.
The way we innately develop through milestones is crucial not only for our neurology but as well as cognitive development and behavior!
How can we support optimal growth and development?
Our favorite ways are:
-seeking our nervous system-focused chiropractic care to ensure the nervous system is clear and balanced to ease growth and development.
-make tummy time a priority
- take away walkers, bumbos, and jumpers- they actually do more harm than good!
- get on the floor with your little one and help initiate eye/hand coordination with sensory toys
-allow them to develop on their own without putting them into positions they aren't yet strong enough or ready for!
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