Pregnancy Squat Variations

During pregnancy, squats are an excellent resistance exercise to maintain strength and range of motion in the hips, glutes, core, and pelvic floor muscles. When performed correctly, squats can help improve posture, and they have the potential to assist with the birthing process. This is such a simple exercise to add to your day. We know you have a lot on your plate. Did you add squats into your daily routine when you were pregnant? Share your experience in the comments!
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Optimal Position During Pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, the growing body tries to adapt to the weight gain, increase of hormones, and postural changes that follow. These postural changes increase the risk of sacral/pelvic imbalance at any given time. The bones of the pelvis and the supportive network of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and associated nerves are all under constant pressure and change. The resulting torsion and inflammation of imbalanced muscles and ligaments may then prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for their birthing.

Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, Dr. Randy is Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Webster technique is defined as "A specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment for pelvic balance during pregnancy allowing for optimal fetal positioning (head down/anterior) for an easier, safer birth. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation and/or SI Joint dysfunction. In so doing, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”

Prenatal chiropractic care is essential for optimal positioning during pregnancy, allowing the body to be in a state of ease for a safer and easier birth process.

Sensory Processing and Chiropractic Care

Do you have a child that is...

- constantly moving all day every day

-has extreme reactions to every scenario

-seems to have outbursts for no reason

-can't handle loud noises or certain environments

In the world of pediatric chiropractic, we know that their body may not be adapting as well to stress as they should be. These littles are stuck on "the gas pedal" meaning they are in sympathetic (fight or flight) dominance.

There is hope as we can naturally calm the brain and create balance within their little body.

Ready to see how chiropractic can benefit your little one and the entire family? Give us a call at 208-357-1949 to see how we can serve you!

Pelvic Balance

Are you struggling with low back discomfort, incontinence, shooting pains, or just feeling uncomfortable?

There are NATURAL solutions to get comfortable during the motherhood transition.

Check out how chiropractic can help above and give us a call to set the foundation in your pregnancy or postpartum period!

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6 Ways to have a successful VBAC - and how Chiropractic can help

Vaginal birth after cesareans, or VBAC for short, are becoming more and more common. The saying “once a cesarean, always a cesarean” isn’t the case anymore. Mothers who try a VBAC are 80% more likely to have a successful vaginal birth, reducing maternal death rates, avoiding risky abdominal surgery and long hospital stays. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare and plan for a VBAC:

  1. READ, READ and READ some more - Learn and study how to prepare for a vaginal birth. Some great books to read are:

  2. TAKE A BIRTHING CLASS: Taking a birthing class is a great way to prepare for a VBAC. Learn how to cope in labor, make choices before you go into labor, make your partner a part of your birth team. There are many options but my absolute favorite is Birth Boot Camp. They have out of hospital classes, in hospital classes, comfort measures classes and more! They are comprehensive and you get all the reading materials you’ll need. You can email if you have any questions!

  3. GET ADJUSTED:  Many cesarean sections are done because of baby’s position or mom’s pelvis being misaligned. Finding a chiropractor certified in the Webster Technique can help you achieve that VBAC. The Webster Technique is a gentle adjustment, making sure that your pelvis is aligned and creating optimal space for your uterus and for your baby. You can read more here: Lucky for you, Dr. Randy is ICPA certified in the Webster Technique and is passionate about helping you achieve the birth you desire.

4. CHOOSE WISELY: You are in charge! You get to choose your provider and support team. Research, ask around and find a VBAC friendly provider for you. Make sure you ask what their VBAC success rate is. Actions speak louder than words! They can say they’re supportive, but their previous experience will give you the confidence you need. With their support and knowledge, an unnecessary cesarean can be avoided!

5. HIRE A DOULA: “The doula  is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth. Their purpose is to help women have a safe, memorable, and empowering birthing experience.” ( Having a doula is a must! They know how to support you, they know how to help your partner feel involved and understand how to comfort you, they know your feelings and what choices you have made and can help you stand by those choices.

6. POSITIVE VIBES: Surround yourself with positivity! Read VBAC stories, practice positive affirmations (, and surround yourself with people who believe in you! Find support groups like ICAN or VBAC Facebook groups like The VBAC Link. And don’t forget that you are a rockstar goddess who can do ANYTHING!