Raising Healthy Kids Pt. 1

The first few years of our kids' lives are fundamentally the MOST important years to set them on a path to wellness! Nutrition is critical for ensuring proper development, preventing illnesses, and maximizing learning capabilities.

Tips and benefits for childhood nutrition 👇🏼

- Create healthy eating habits

E D U C A T E! We highly encourage teaching the importance of good nutrition right from the start! The more your kids know, the more excited they will be to eat healthily!

- Nourish the brain

The brain uses more energy than any other organ in our body! Everything from learning to memory and attentiveness is affected by the foods we consume. Kids' rapidly developing brains need a nutrient-dense diet, without it, they may struggle in certain developmental areas.

- Supports strong immunity

Gut health is an important key to a strong immune system. The foods we choose to feed our kiddos can either support or hinder their immune system. We recommend introducing a diet rich in nutrients and avoiding processed and inflammatory foods to set their immune system up for success right from the start!

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Immune System Support

Did you know your immune system works to recognize and identify an infection in the body, resulting in an immune response? When our body shows symptoms, it's really just our immune system doing its JOB! 😁

When it comes to viruses and other sicknesses, our first line of defense is to choose an overall healthy L I F E S T Y L E! A strong foundation of health is KEY! 🔑

There are many preventative measures we can implement into our every life to keep our immune system balanced + functioning at its best! ✨

Swipe right to check out these great tips to help support your immune system as we approach the school year! 📚

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The Relationship Between Gut Health and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care optimizes your body's functions, including the digestion process! Consistent chiropractic adjustments help take you OUT of that fight or flight mode, and into the rest and digest side so your body can function optimally!

Are you struggling with digestion or other gut health issues? Chiropractic can help! Give us a call at, 208-357-1949, to start living life at your fullest potential and get to the root cause of your symptoms!

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Your Amazing Immune System!

Your immune system is comprised of a complex collection of different cells and organs of your body. All these parts work together to protect you from germs, bugs, and viruses that decide to invade you. Although simply amazing, this system is fully under the perfect guidance of your Nervous System; it helps you recover when you’re sick. 

The main parts of the immune system are: 

White blood cells: Serving as an army against harmful bacteria and viruses, white blood cells search for, attack, and destroy bugs and viruses to keep you healthy. They are a key part of your Immune System. There are many types of white blood cells and each cell type either circulates in your bloodstream and throughout your body, or resides in a particular tissue, waiting to be sprung and unleashed into action – like your body snipers. Each of these cells has a specific mission in your body’s defense system. They all have a different way of recognizing a foreign invader, communicating with other cells on the defense team, and performing their function – to annihilate the invader. No mercy! 

Lymph nodes: These small glands filter and destroy invading organisms so they can’t spread to other parts of your body and make you ill. They are also part of your body’s lymphatic system. Lymph nodes contain immune cells that analyze foreign invaders brought into your body. They then activate, replicate, and send specific white blood cells called lymphocytes to fight off a particular invader. You have hundreds of lymph nodes all over your body, including in your neck, armpits, and groin, and so on. Swollen, tender lymph nodes are a clue your body is fighting an infection. It is killing an invader. It is annihilating a bug of some sort. 

Spleen: Your spleen stores white blood cells that defend your body from foreigners. Your spleen also filters your blood, destroying old and damaged red blood cells. 

Tonsils and adenoids: Because they are located in your throat and nasal passage, tonsils and adenoids trap foreign invaders such as bacteria, or viruses as soon as they enter your body. They house immune cells that produce antibodies to protect you from any foreign invaders that cause throat and lung infections. Although fierce, they are totally on your side! 

Thymus: This small organ in your upper chest beneath your breastbone helps nurture and mature specific types of white blood cells. The task of these calls is to learn to recognize and remember an invader so that an attack can be quickly mounted the next time this invader is encountered. 

Bone marrow: Rudimentary cells, called Stem Cells, in the spongy center of your bones develop into red blood cells, plasma cells, a variety of white blood cells, and other types of immune cells. Your bone marrow makes billions of new blood cells every day and releases them into your bloodstream to make certain you are healthy. 

Skin, mucous membranes, and other first-line defenses: Your skin is the first line of defense in preventing and destroying germs before they enter your body. Your skin produces oils and secretes other protective immune system cells. Mucous membranes line the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts. These membranes secrete mucus, which lubricates and moistens surfaces. Germs stick to mucus in the respiratory tract and then are moved out of the airways by microscopic, hair-like structures called cilia. Tiny hairs in your nose also catch germs. Enzymes found in sweat, tears, saliva, and mucus membranes, as well as secretions in the vagina, all defend and destroy germs. For that reason it is wise to lick a cut if you are not able to wash it first – your saliva will kill any germs that may be lurking there. 

Stomach and bowel: Stomach acid kills many bacteria instantly as soon as they end up in your stomach.
But you also have beneficial (good) bacteria in your intestines that kill harmful bacteria. These good bacteria are not damaged by your stomach acid for reasons that are not clearly understood. 

In its Innate wisdom, your body will not harm something that is beneficial to it. 

It is my hope this brief overview of your Immune System will help you understand how it protects and guards your health and wellbeing. 

And all under the perfect guidance of your Nervous System. Imagine! 

Your POWERFUL body!

In the past twenty-three months, much has been said about Immunity. Our nations have been bombarded ad nauseum with conflicting information regarding this topic. Natural immunity, mRNA vaccines, lockdowns, vaccine passports, human rights, coercion, censorship, Pfizer, Moderna, as well as other companies, have been the staple of conversation across the United States and Canada, and globally.

These have not been easy conversations. Some of them have alienated families, friends, towns, and states, as many government mandates have not made much sense, and seem to have been launched in the face of science. At best, they have been a knee jerk reaction to the threat of sickness. Some have even been politically exploited. I know you’re shocked.

However, in all the hubbub, it appears we have become a little “lost.” Many of you simply don’t know which way to turn. I want you to know you are not alone.

It is abundantly clear, however, most people do not understand Immunity and the role your Immune system plays in your health and wellbeing. And that is why you’re reading my words. Right?

So...What is this Immune thing you are wondering? it is the protective mechanism of your body. It is the system that makes sure you survive at all costs. It wages war with any foreign agent – any bug, germ, virus, or particle that does not belong. Anything that is not part of your body. Is not part of you. Is not you. Is foreign. An outsider. You get the picture. And its task is to annihilate this invader. Remove it. Wipe it out!

Blow it away!

Here's the really cool thing: Your Immune System is under the perfect guidance and direction of your Nervous System. Surprised? Can you see why we are so adamant you get your children and family checked in our office? It is crucial! By now you probably realize your Nervous System controls every part of your being. As I have said umpteen times, your Nervous System controls all of you – even your mental state. This relatively new all-encompassing understanding is referred to as Psychoneuroimmunology. Whew! There’s a huge word for you!