Optimal Position During Pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, the growing body tries to adapt to the weight gain, increase of hormones, and postural changes that follow. These postural changes increase the risk of sacral/pelvic imbalance at any given time. The bones of the pelvis and the supportive network of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and associated nerves are all under constant pressure and change. The resulting torsion and inflammation of imbalanced muscles and ligaments may then prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for their birthing.

Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, Dr. Randy is Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Webster technique is defined as "A specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment for pelvic balance during pregnancy allowing for optimal fetal positioning (head down/anterior) for an easier, safer birth. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation and/or SI Joint dysfunction. In so doing, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”

Prenatal chiropractic care is essential for optimal positioning during pregnancy, allowing the body to be in a state of ease for a safer and easier birth process.

Webster Technique Seminar

Over the weekend, Dr. Randy was in Dallas, TX to renew his Webster Technique certification.

The Webster technique is a gentle chiropractic method that promotes optimal pelvic function and alignment for pregnant women. The adjustment is designed to help with pelvic function and reduce soft tissue to relieve ligament stress.

We love helping women enjoy optimal health during their pregnancies! Give us a call today to schedule a consultation, at 208-357-1949, with Dr. Randy, if you're expecting to see how chiropractic care can benefit you and your baby!

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Breath Work and How it Affects the Nervous System

Did you know that utilizing breathwork can tap right into our nervous system?

When we use our full diaphragm to breathe, it activates our Vagus Nerve. Our Vagus Nerve is a powerful cranial nerve that triggers our parasympathetic nervous system allowing our body to relax.

If our body is constantly in a state of sympathetic overdrive (this is called fight or flight), our physical and emotional states are under stress and imbalance.

By breathing deeply with a slow and steady inhalation-to-exhalation ratio-- our breath can signal our parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body down and get out of a state of "stress."

Try taking 5 to 10 minutes out of your day to breathe intentionally and let us know how you feel below!

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Pelvic Balance

Are you struggling with low back discomfort, incontinence, shooting pains, or just feeling uncomfortable?

There are NATURAL solutions to get comfortable during the motherhood transition.

Check out how chiropractic can help above and give us a call to set the foundation in your pregnancy or postpartum period!

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Our Vision

Our vision is to see a community of connected and empowered families that are proactive in elevating their Innate potential.

Nothing makes us happier than having entire families coming in to see us. We love seeing our patient’s families grow in size, age, and in their personal lives; living up to their Innate potential. We take so much pride in this. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives.

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Your POWERFUL body!

In the past twenty-three months, much has been said about Immunity. Our nations have been bombarded ad nauseum with conflicting information regarding this topic. Natural immunity, mRNA vaccines, lockdowns, vaccine passports, human rights, coercion, censorship, Pfizer, Moderna, as well as other companies, have been the staple of conversation across the United States and Canada, and globally.

These have not been easy conversations. Some of them have alienated families, friends, towns, and states, as many government mandates have not made much sense, and seem to have been launched in the face of science. At best, they have been a knee jerk reaction to the threat of sickness. Some have even been politically exploited. I know you’re shocked.

However, in all the hubbub, it appears we have become a little “lost.” Many of you simply don’t know which way to turn. I want you to know you are not alone.

It is abundantly clear, however, most people do not understand Immunity and the role your Immune system plays in your health and wellbeing. And that is why you’re reading my words. Right?

So...What is this Immune thing you are wondering? it is the protective mechanism of your body. It is the system that makes sure you survive at all costs. It wages war with any foreign agent – any bug, germ, virus, or particle that does not belong. Anything that is not part of your body. Is not part of you. Is not you. Is foreign. An outsider. You get the picture. And its task is to annihilate this invader. Remove it. Wipe it out!

Blow it away!

Here's the really cool thing: Your Immune System is under the perfect guidance and direction of your Nervous System. Surprised? Can you see why we are so adamant you get your children and family checked in our office? It is crucial! By now you probably realize your Nervous System controls every part of your being. As I have said umpteen times, your Nervous System controls all of you – even your mental state. This relatively new all-encompassing understanding is referred to as Psychoneuroimmunology. Whew! There’s a huge word for you!