Patient Testimonial

Thank you Shelby E. for sharing your experience with chiropractic care and Dr. Randy! Chiropractic care can be life-changing. It's a great place to start your health journey. If you have been searching for a healthcare provider that will spend more than 15 minutes with you and will listen to your concerns, Elevated Life Family Chiropractic is the place for you!

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Pelvic Balance

Are you struggling with low back discomfort, incontinence, shooting pains, or just feeling uncomfortable?

There are NATURAL solutions to get comfortable during the motherhood transition.

Check out how chiropractic can help above and give us a call to set the foundation in your pregnancy or postpartum period!

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6 Ways to Naturally Support Your Energy

Are you feeling "blah" or "rundown" by the middle of the day, yet you don't know why?

Energy is something we all need but can't seem to get enough of.

If you are tired of being tired, check out these tips on supporting your energy levels so you can feel and function your best!

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Our Vision

Our vision is to see a community of connected and empowered families that are proactive in elevating their Innate potential.

Nothing makes us happier than having entire families coming in to see us. We love seeing our patient’s families grow in size, age, and in their personal lives; living up to their Innate potential. We take so much pride in this. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives.

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #idahochiro #chirokidsrock #chirokids #webstertechnique #ourvision #innatepotential #innatehealing #

Roadmap to Wellness

When it comes to your health, you may find yourself wondering “am I on the right path to achieving my health goals?”

At Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, our goal is to help individuals achieve optimal wellness in all areas of life through chiropractic care. By having a neuro-spinal system that is clear of interference and in balance, the nervous system can function at the most optimal levels.

Are you ready to rebuild new functional patterns that will support a state of ideal health and well-being? Check out the roadmap to wellness infographic and give us a call to see how you can get started on your healthy journey today!

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Benefits of Getting Outside

During these colder months, we find ourselves inside more often. Did you know that enjoying nature and getting sunshine has great impacts on our health? The winter months make it harder to do just that.

The lack of vitamin D can make it harder to sleep and we can begin to notice ourselves and our family getting sick more often. GET OUTSIDE WHEN THE SUN IS OUT! Take advantage when you can and try to wear as little clothing as you can get away with while still staying warm. Even if the sun isn't out, try to take a short walk outside. It can be a game-changer when you're having a rough day.

Check out the graphic above for some health benefits of getting outside. We encourage you to get outside this week and tag us @elevatedlifefc in your favorite ways to get outside during the winter! BONUS if it's with your little ones!

#getoutside #winteroutdoors #montana #wyoming #idahomoms #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #mountainwest #idahofalls #rexburgidaho #ammonidaho #blackfootidaho #chirokidsrock #chirokids

3 Ways to Set Your Week Up for Success!

Who doesn't love to start the week off completely ready and refreshed?

Check out these 3 great tips for setting your week up for success! 💪🏼

What do you do every week to help your Monday mornings flow better? Let us know in the comments! 👇🏼

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"3 Steps to a Yummy Pregnancy": Guest Post: Macey Leatham, Registered Dietician

"3 Steps to a Yummy Pregnancy": Guest Post: Macey Leatham, Registered Dietician

When I think ‘Yummy’ I think of all my favorite foods, satisfying meals, energy, and peace. And while you might think “what does peace have to do with yummy”, having guilt free, peaceful meals is key to truly enjoying food. Now if you're also thinking “wait they told me i couldn't eat x,y,z” and that I should watch how much i eat and...and…. and…” (and you’re getting tired of the ‘ands’) then these steps are exactly what you need.

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Secrets to Living a Happier Life

Guess what….these aren’t really a secret. But it is helpful to read again to get them familiar in our brain!

1. Focus on the Positive.

To find long-term happiness, you need to retrain your brain from a negative mindset to a positive mindset. Try these things: 

- Spend one to two minutes looking for positive in your life. Do this three times a day for 45 days, and your brain will start doing it automatically.

- Choose a positive mantra for the day-something you will repeat to yourself, such as

“Today is beautiful” 


“I feel grateful for all I have.” 

- And when things go south, take a moment, and try to see it from a positive light. Never underestimate the importance of recognizing the silver linings in life.

2. Celebrate little victories.

Life is full of ups and downs, but in between we have a lot of little victories that go unnoticed. Take a moment to celebrate these small wins. Did you check off the things on your to-do list that you’ve been procrastinating on? Yay! Did you finally clear out a thousand emails that have been filing up in your inbox? Woohoo! Take pleasure in these little achievements. They add up!

3. Find your work-life balance.

Work takes up a lot of our day, but it shouldn’t be the only thing we do. It’s important to pursue activities and interests beyond our job. Do you have hobbies? Are you spending time with  friends and loved ones? Are you getting exercise? Creating balance in your life will reduce stress and give you other outlets to express yourself and have fun.

4. Practice Mindfulness.

Mindfulness meditation works by bringing your awareness and attention to the present moment. It’s about being nonjudgmental and accepting how you are feeling. Practice mindfulness means being present, aware and curious. Accepting what we are going through decreases stress and helps us see situations for what they are. Through mindfulness, we can find peace and affirmation in ourselves.

5. Be Creative.

You may thing of artists as being moody and depressed, but studies show that engaging in creative activities on a regular basis actually makes you happier. Those who spend time using their imagination and being creative have more enthusiasm and are more likely to have feelings of long-term happiness and well-being. Such creating activities can include writing, painting, drawing and musical performance.

6. Accept imperfection.

Many of us strive for perfection-we desire to push ourselves to be our best. But in order to be truly happy, you must embrace the imperfection that is part of life. Perfection is impossible, and holding ourselves and others to these standards is futile. We will always end up feeling let down. Accept that life is imperfect and recognize that there is beauty and grace in that imperfection.

(Originally posted at:

How to Elevate your life with: Essential Oils

Essential oils contain the nutritive values and healing properties of plants in a very concentrated form. They often heal the body, mind and spirit, while regenerating damaged tissue and bringing oxygen to deprived cells. The use of essential oils also seems to improve overall immune function. (LaRee Westover, Butterfly Express) Oils are antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral, antiparisitic and antiseptic.

Oils can heal physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

I believe that oils work in an energetic way, carrying a frequency that our bodies may need to heal. 

To explain, every organ of the human body has a frequency at which it operates when healthy. When we are sick, that frequency drops. Essential oils carry the frequency of the plant that can then raise the body’s overall frequency or stabilize the frequency of the part of your body that is struggling. 

Sometimes, it’s not even a body part. It can be emotional. Sometimes, we are carrying grief, sadness, pain, etc. An oil can provide a healing and higher frequency to help our body and mind adjust and we can feel better.

How to Use Essential Oils

Oils can be used as singles or blends. The oils in blends work together to achieve a product that can reach the various levels of spiritual, physical and emotional healing.  There are a few ways to use oils, aromatically or topically. We will use them in diffusers, in massages, or applied directly to the effected areas. For example, when I have gallbladder pain, I’ll rub the oil over my gallbladder directly or on the gallbladder point in my foot. (That’s going more into foot zoning and reflexology points which we can talk about later.)

Quality Matters!

Many oils and smells can be manufactured by men. We need to be sure the oils we are getting are pure and directly distilled from the plants they advertise. They could also be diluted with vegetable oils. BLEH! My biggest tip is to not buy an oil in a grocery store. Those are more likely perfume or diluted and the quality not great. Because they can sell them in stores, they are able to mass produce and most mass produced products are made cheaply and quickly. Find a company that is transparent, one that shows they care about quality, starting from the seeds-that will eventually grow to the plant the produce the oil from. Look for a company that can guarantee their products. It may mean you will pay a little more, but you know that you are getting the best quality oil for your therapeutic needs.

We have personal favorites but have used companies like Butterfly Express, Young Living and Plant Therapy. 

To learn more:

I highly recommend getting this book:

Click on book to order!

It is very comprehensive. It will teach you about the oils, how to use, where to use, when to use. It gives the physical, spiritual and emotional benefits of the oils and blends (disclaimer, the blends they share are their own but they do list the ingredients so you can know what’s in them.) You will be able to confidently use oils with your family!

Quick tips:

  • Start small. Don’t go buying all the oils at once. Become confident with a few and then you can expand your “farmacy”.

  • Find a company you like! We like Butterfly Express and Young Living best. Some benefits include free samples/products with every order, subscriptions and credits for future purchases.

  • Make sure you study an oil before you use it. Some have contraindications for pregnancy and with children or for certain health conditions.

I hope this helped you learn a little more and perhaps take the leap to begin using oils with your own family!

Next, we will dive into specific oils and their therapeutic properties.

***Disclaimer*** We only endorse things we’ve personally used or come highly recommended by trusted peers. If you grab anything we mention using our referral links, we may get a small commission. However, there’s no extra cost to you!

Butter is Best!

This is a topic which has been hounding parents for some time. Let’s put it to bed permanently. 

One of the healthiest whole foods you can include in your family’s diet is butter. 

WHAT??? I can hear many of you saying, “Isn’t butter bad for you? I thought margarine and spreads were better because they’re low in saturated fat and cholesterol?” 

Be not deceived folks! Butter is truly better than margarine and other vegetable spreads. Despite unjustified warnings about saturated fat from well- meaning, but misinformed nutritionists, the list of butter’s benefits is impressive indeed: 


Butter is a rich source of easily absorbed vitamin A needed for a wide range of functions in the body; from maintaining good vision, to keeping the endocrine system in top shape. Butter also contains all other fat- soluble vitamins such as E, K, and D. Awesome stuff! 


Butter is rich in trace minerals, especially selenium, a powerful antioxidant. Ounce for ounce, butter has more selenium per gram than either whole wheat or garlic. Butter also supplies iodine, needed by the thyroid gland as well as vitamin A, also needed by the thyroid gland. 

Fatty Acids: 

Butter has appreciable amounts of butyric acid, used by the colon as an energy source. This fatty acid is also a known anti-carcinogen. Lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid, is a potent anti-microbial and antifungal substance. Butter also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which gives excellent protection against cancer. Range-fed cows produce especially high levels of CLA as opposed to stall-fed cattle. It pays, then, to get your butter from a cow that has been fed properly. Butter also has small, but equal, amounts of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, the so-called essential fatty acids. 


These are a special category of fatty acids that protect against gastrointestinal infections, especially in the very young and the elderly. Children, therefore, should not drink skim of low-fat milk. Those that do, have had higher rates and incidents of diarrhea than those who drink whole milk. Who needs that? 


Despite all the misinformation you may have heard, cholesterol is needed to maintain intestinal health, endocrine health and is also needed for brain and nervous system development. This emphasizes the need for cholesterol-rich foods for children. Human breast milk is extremely high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Standing in direct opposition to all these healthful qualities is margarine and assorted vegetable oil spreads. While these may be cheaper, you’d never eat them again if you knew how they were made. All margarines are made from assorted vegetable oils that have been heated to extremely high temperatures. This ensures the oils will become rancid. A nickel catalyst is added, along with hydrogen atoms, to solidify it. Nickel is a toxic heavy metal, and some amounts always remain in the finished product. Finally, deodorants and colorizers are added to remove margarine’s revolting rancid oil smell and its unappetizing grey color. And if that is not enough, harmful carcinogenic and mutagenic trans-fatty acids are created in the process. YUM! To top it off, margarine is one hydrogen atom away from being a plastic. How would you like to spread some Tupperware on your toast? 

When looking for good quality butter, raw and cultured is best. Organic butter is your next best thing, with store-bought butter being at the bottom. It’s a few extra cents to get high quality butter for you and your family. 

Very simply, butter is far superior, especially the organic, grass-fed, and raw-milk variety. There is no substitute. Double YUM! 

Your Amazing Immune System!

Your immune system is comprised of a complex collection of different cells and organs of your body. All these parts work together to protect you from germs, bugs, and viruses that decide to invade you. Although simply amazing, this system is fully under the perfect guidance of your Nervous System; it helps you recover when you’re sick. 

The main parts of the immune system are: 

White blood cells: Serving as an army against harmful bacteria and viruses, white blood cells search for, attack, and destroy bugs and viruses to keep you healthy. They are a key part of your Immune System. There are many types of white blood cells and each cell type either circulates in your bloodstream and throughout your body, or resides in a particular tissue, waiting to be sprung and unleashed into action – like your body snipers. Each of these cells has a specific mission in your body’s defense system. They all have a different way of recognizing a foreign invader, communicating with other cells on the defense team, and performing their function – to annihilate the invader. No mercy! 

Lymph nodes: These small glands filter and destroy invading organisms so they can’t spread to other parts of your body and make you ill. They are also part of your body’s lymphatic system. Lymph nodes contain immune cells that analyze foreign invaders brought into your body. They then activate, replicate, and send specific white blood cells called lymphocytes to fight off a particular invader. You have hundreds of lymph nodes all over your body, including in your neck, armpits, and groin, and so on. Swollen, tender lymph nodes are a clue your body is fighting an infection. It is killing an invader. It is annihilating a bug of some sort. 

Spleen: Your spleen stores white blood cells that defend your body from foreigners. Your spleen also filters your blood, destroying old and damaged red blood cells. 

Tonsils and adenoids: Because they are located in your throat and nasal passage, tonsils and adenoids trap foreign invaders such as bacteria, or viruses as soon as they enter your body. They house immune cells that produce antibodies to protect you from any foreign invaders that cause throat and lung infections. Although fierce, they are totally on your side! 

Thymus: This small organ in your upper chest beneath your breastbone helps nurture and mature specific types of white blood cells. The task of these calls is to learn to recognize and remember an invader so that an attack can be quickly mounted the next time this invader is encountered. 

Bone marrow: Rudimentary cells, called Stem Cells, in the spongy center of your bones develop into red blood cells, plasma cells, a variety of white blood cells, and other types of immune cells. Your bone marrow makes billions of new blood cells every day and releases them into your bloodstream to make certain you are healthy. 

Skin, mucous membranes, and other first-line defenses: Your skin is the first line of defense in preventing and destroying germs before they enter your body. Your skin produces oils and secretes other protective immune system cells. Mucous membranes line the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts. These membranes secrete mucus, which lubricates and moistens surfaces. Germs stick to mucus in the respiratory tract and then are moved out of the airways by microscopic, hair-like structures called cilia. Tiny hairs in your nose also catch germs. Enzymes found in sweat, tears, saliva, and mucus membranes, as well as secretions in the vagina, all defend and destroy germs. For that reason it is wise to lick a cut if you are not able to wash it first – your saliva will kill any germs that may be lurking there. 

Stomach and bowel: Stomach acid kills many bacteria instantly as soon as they end up in your stomach.
But you also have beneficial (good) bacteria in your intestines that kill harmful bacteria. These good bacteria are not damaged by your stomach acid for reasons that are not clearly understood. 

In its Innate wisdom, your body will not harm something that is beneficial to it. 

It is my hope this brief overview of your Immune System will help you understand how it protects and guards your health and wellbeing. 

And all under the perfect guidance of your Nervous System. Imagine! 

Your POWERFUL body!

In the past twenty-three months, much has been said about Immunity. Our nations have been bombarded ad nauseum with conflicting information regarding this topic. Natural immunity, mRNA vaccines, lockdowns, vaccine passports, human rights, coercion, censorship, Pfizer, Moderna, as well as other companies, have been the staple of conversation across the United States and Canada, and globally.

These have not been easy conversations. Some of them have alienated families, friends, towns, and states, as many government mandates have not made much sense, and seem to have been launched in the face of science. At best, they have been a knee jerk reaction to the threat of sickness. Some have even been politically exploited. I know you’re shocked.

However, in all the hubbub, it appears we have become a little “lost.” Many of you simply don’t know which way to turn. I want you to know you are not alone.

It is abundantly clear, however, most people do not understand Immunity and the role your Immune system plays in your health and wellbeing. And that is why you’re reading my words. Right?

So...What is this Immune thing you are wondering? it is the protective mechanism of your body. It is the system that makes sure you survive at all costs. It wages war with any foreign agent – any bug, germ, virus, or particle that does not belong. Anything that is not part of your body. Is not part of you. Is not you. Is foreign. An outsider. You get the picture. And its task is to annihilate this invader. Remove it. Wipe it out!

Blow it away!

Here's the really cool thing: Your Immune System is under the perfect guidance and direction of your Nervous System. Surprised? Can you see why we are so adamant you get your children and family checked in our office? It is crucial! By now you probably realize your Nervous System controls every part of your being. As I have said umpteen times, your Nervous System controls all of you – even your mental state. This relatively new all-encompassing understanding is referred to as Psychoneuroimmunology. Whew! There’s a huge word for you!

Innate Intelligence

You may be wondering: WHAT? What is that? And why is it so important? I’ve used these words when explaining your recovery to you, so here it is:

It has been coined the ‘Wisdom of the Body” by some, “Nature” by others, and “The Force” by George Lucas, producer of Star Wars. Chiropractors refer to this force as Innate Intelligence. It simply refers to your body’s own organizational ability and its ability to self-heal, self-regulate, self-thrive, and self-adapt. 

Deepak Chopra said it best: “Intelligence is present everywhere in our bodies . . . our own intelligence is far superior to any we can try to substitute from the outside.” 

There is a force we have inside us that guides our growth, our development, and our life. Examples of this force are ever present and are in our everyday environment. 

My very favorite is the bumblebee. You may not even be aware of this, but it never ceases to amaze me. According to scientists and computer models, the bumblebee can’t fly. Because of its weight, and ratio of its wings to its weight, the dihedral angle of wind assault, the speed of wing movements and other physical variables, it is mathematically impossible for a bumblebee to fly. However, bumblebees do not know this and fly anyway, defying all laws of science known to man. 

Did you know, for example, that every second of your life billions of cells in your body are breaking down foods, they are dying, and they are being reborn? Nerves are shooting information all over your very being and your lunch is being turned into muscle cells, heart cells, and skin cells. Damaged tissues are repaired and replaced, germs and cancer cells killed every minute, and the production of your cells and all chemical processes – approximately 150,000 - are being monitored every second. And all this amazing and wondrous activity takes place while you are sleeping, reading, or driving your car. Amazing, is it not? That is the wisdom of your body — Innate Intelligence.

What is Health?

I’d like to teach a bit on health and what it truly means. Many people assume they are in excellent health but when digging deeper, they believe they are healthy because: 1. they do not have an illness or disease or 2. they rarely get sick. But the WHO specifically says that health is "not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Just because you aren't sick, doesn't mean you are healthy. 

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During this time, the media and everyone on social media is preaching how NOT to get sick. What outward precautions to take. But we believe that we need to teach how to stay healthy! From the inside out.

I’d like you to take a look inside and ask: how is your physical health? Are you eating unhealthy snacks/junk food all day? Are you sitting on the couch binging shows/movies? Are you going for walks outside? Are you exercising? Are you eating plenty vegetable/fruits? Are you limiting your processed sugar intake? What are you doing to maintain, or better yet improve, your physical well-being?

How about your mental health? Are you feeling anxious/fearful? Are you looking forward to the future? Do you believe in the power of your body to fight illness? Are you meditating, journaling, or using another avenue to better your mental health? Are you seeing a therapist or other practitioner that assists you in have a better mental well-being?

What about your social well-being? I know that this one is struggling for a lot of people. And it's a huge factor in your health! Social interaction helps stimulate the Vagus nerve. Never heard of that? Well, it's become a hot topic among a lot of health professions. It plays a major role in your parasympathetic nervous system which helps to regulate many systems in your body. “Face-to-face social connectedness fortifies the "tend-and-befriend" parasympathetic response and engages your vagus nerve. This improves vagal tone and counteracts stress responses associated with "fight-or-flight" mechanisms. Social connectedness has also been clinically proven to improve heart rate variability (HRV), which is the measurement of variations within beat-to-beat intervals and indicates a healthy heart (From” Are you having limited to no social interaction during this time or are you searching for ways to still have social interaction?

This period of time is allowing people the opportunity to reassess what is needed in their lives and what is not as important as what they once thought. Health may have once been far down the totem pole for many but is quickly rising in the ranks to being a top priority. If you’re wondering how you can make health a priority and how you can take charge of your health, please reach out. There are many ways to improve your health and many practitioners that can help but ultimately the responsibility it yours.

There’s a statement in chiropractic philosophy of Above-Down, Inside-Out (ADIO). What this means is that the brain (Above) is the control center of the body. The control comes from the brain (Above) and goes to the body (Down). As it goes down it begins “Inside” and travels “Out.” As it travels out, you not only are affecting yourself but are able to help others. 

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How does ADIO philosophy relate to the principle of health? Health doesn’t come from an outside source. Health is already programmed inside all of us. Our bodies can and will fight off illnesses. You are designed to do so and far better than any outside source has the ability to fight off illnesses. The responsibility for you to achieve health doesn’t come from an outside source. Can outside sources help? Absolutely. Some examples in each category can be as follows:

Physical Well-being:

  • Chiropractic: allows your nervous system to function without interference thus allowing for improved function of the body.

  • Personal Trainers: provides an exercise program that best suites your needs

  • Dietician/Nutritionist: assists in coming up with a well balanced food lifestyle that best suites your life.

There are many other examples of outside sources that can help elevate your physical well-being but it is still your responsibility. The Chiropractor can help but YOU must go to their office. The personal trainer may assist you in an exercise program but YOU are the one that does the exercise. A dietician/nutritionist may provide you a food lifestyle but YOU have to buy the food and choose to follow the plan.

Mental Well-being:

  • Therapist: provides an avenue to properly process experiences of your life.

  • Alternative healers: provide many different ways to assist in your mental well-being. 

  • Friends: provide a safe place for you to vent and discuss what’s going on in your life.

  • If you’re religious-God: prayer provides a way for you to discuss your needs with God and “let go and let God.”

You may have other outside sources that assist you in elevating your mental well-being but it is up to YOU to use them if you need. It is your responsibility to feel/deal/heal from mental struggles or hinderances in the present or past. 

Social Well-being:

  • Friends: there is no better “face-to-face social connectedness” than interacting with a close friend.

  • Mindset groups: provides an avenue to discuss goals and interact with people that want to achieve elevated levels of success and help you to achieve your goals.

  • Sport leagues: for many sports are an avenue to not only interact with others socially but also provides an opportunity to improve their mental and physical well-being at the same time. 

  • Hobby Groups: an avenue for people to interact with like minded individuals doing something they love.

Social well-being is one category that relies on others more than the other two. However, it is still YOUR responsibility to reach out and interact with others. You may be an introvert (like Dr. Randy) and think you do not need to have any interaction. However the interaction is needed. It may not look like an extroverts interaction, e.g. big parties or being around a lot of people. It may be one on one interaction or a large group for a short duration of time. But the more we realize how important our social well-being is to our overall health, the more we will seek opportunities to elevated our social well-being.

We at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic know how important it is to ELEVATE your health. We have been reminded, during this time, how important it is for us to educate and provide a safe place for people to not only learn but also to experience true health. We do our best at providing an opportunity for you to elevate your physical well-being through chiropractic adjustments.  While in our office we hope you feel comfortable enough to share your needs, not only physically but also mentally and socially. We opened Elevated Life Family Chiropractic in Shelley, ID because we want to be an asset to this community and provide a place for people to feel connected to others enough to help each other in their paths to elevating their health. 

We love hearing from you! Find us on social media: @ElevatedLifeFC, comment below or shoot us an email: