Optimal Position During Pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, the growing body tries to adapt to the weight gain, increase of hormones, and postural changes that follow. These postural changes increase the risk of sacral/pelvic imbalance at any given time. The bones of the pelvis and the supportive network of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and associated nerves are all under constant pressure and change. The resulting torsion and inflammation of imbalanced muscles and ligaments may then prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for their birthing.

Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, Dr. Randy is Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Webster technique is defined as "A specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment for pelvic balance during pregnancy allowing for optimal fetal positioning (head down/anterior) for an easier, safer birth. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation and/or SI Joint dysfunction. In so doing, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”

Prenatal chiropractic care is essential for optimal positioning during pregnancy, allowing the body to be in a state of ease for a safer and easier birth process.

Dr. Randy's Favorite Parker Principle

Dr. Randy went to school at Parker University in Dallas, TX. One of the main reasons he chose to go there was because of the Parker Principles. These principles were developed by Dr. Jim Parker, the founder of Parker University. They are grounded in compassionate care and loving service. The most well-known principle is, “Loving service is my first technique.” Dr. Randy feels the principle, “Develop a compassion to serve that is greater than the compulsion to survive,” is what helped him to cling to the “loving service,” principle!

#parkerprinciples #parkeruniversity #lovingservice #compassionatecare #thrive #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #chiropracticcare #familychiropractic

We're Closed This Week

Happy Monday and we hope you enjoyed your time with friends and family over spring break! Dr. Randy will undergo surgery today to repair his shoulder injury and take off the remainder of the week to recover. We'll keep you updated on any developments we need to keep you in the loop. Check here or your text messages for any updates! We're sending Dr. Randy and his family all the love and healing vibes 🙏

Dr. Randy's Surgery Update

Our lives tend to throw curveballs when we least expect it. We have been given quite a few recently and needed to send this update.

The first curveball was my original injury that has required me to get surgery. For the longevity of my arm and my ability to take the best care of our patients, we felt it was best to get it taken care of right away.

The second curveball is the other chiropractor (that I had arranged to come in and to cover adjustments until I was able to be back to being close to normal) just informed me that he has had his own injury and will no longer be able to help.

So what do we do?

The surgery date has been changed. We are going to have to alter our original plan to start up on March 28th. We are now going to need to take the last week of March off so that I can recover from surgery that is being done on the 27th. There will be no adjustments March 27-31st.

With that being said, we are planning on keeping the appointments scheduled the first week of April. Depending on how recovery goes, there may be some adaptations at first. They will be much like the adaptations I had to make with the adjustments just after my injury. I have many things scheduled personally to do post surgery to make sure that recovery goes as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your understanding in this situation. We know it is not ideal. But I am optimistic and I look forward to getting back to normal as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out either at the office: 208-357-1949 (you may reach the voicemail and we will return your call as soon as possible) or on my cell phone: 208-521-6523.

Dr. Randy

P.s. Thank you for your patience with the text messaging. We know it’s annoying getting multiple texts for each family member. We are working on it with our software company. Thank you.

Raising Healthy Kids Pt. 2

During the first 2 years of life, a child’s brain is forming neural connections at an exponential rate! Physical interactions, touch, free play, and sleep mainly fuel these connections.

The American Academy of Pediatrics calls for no screen time for children until 18 to 24 months, except for video chatting, and says kids ages 2 to 5 should get an hour or less of screen time per day! 👏🏼

Why is no screen time necessary?

👉🏼 screen time requires little to no movement or effort, therefore it’s not aiding developmental milestones or muscle strength

👉🏼 images on a screen can move too fast for a developing brain to process and have been shown to alter attention span

👉🏼 your little ones need to be a little “bored”... when they are constantly overstimulated, it makes it more difficult for them to rely on themselves for imaginative play and entertainment

👉🏼 poor posture, especially during the age of such crucial spinal development.

We encourage you to get on the ground with your little one and interact with free play, get outside and explore nature, and connect and grow with your little one as they grow and develop! 🌟
#screentime #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #pediatricchiropractic #developmentalmilestones #barefoot #freeplay #getoutside #explore #spinaldevelopment #chirokidsrock #chirokids

The Postpartum Period

Have you found yourself wondering, "What do I actually need during the postpartum period to support myself and my baby?"

Here at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we love supporting mothers during this new season of life. While the postpartum period is technically forever-- we recommend intentionally supporting new parents through the first year of the newborn's life.

A few of our favorites are:

1. Incorporating skin-to-skin and baby-wearing daily.

2. Chiropractic care is not only for supporting the mom's nervous system but for the baby as well. A regulated nervous system for both mom and baby is important for bonding and healing.

3. Nourishing the "womb space" with warm foods such as bone broth, herbal teas, and soups is vital for the first few months.

A favorite book to check out is "The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother."

4. Finding a support team to help you rehab and rebuild physically and emotionally. Our local favorites are:



5. Connection to self and to others is important for parenthood. Taking time to see friends and family, for self-care including meditation, prayer, breathwork, and intentional movement helps new parents reground and recenter during this new season.

Need support during the postpartum period? We would love to be a part of your postpartum journey!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #postpartumlife #postpartum #postpartumchiropractic #pelvicfloor #breastfeeding #skintoskin #bodynourishment

#postpartumrehab #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #southeastidaho #naturalpostpartumcare #holisticpostpartumcare

Raising Healthy Kids Pt. 1

The first few years of our kids' lives are fundamentally the MOST important years to set them on a path to wellness! Nutrition is critical for ensuring proper development, preventing illnesses, and maximizing learning capabilities.

Tips and benefits for childhood nutrition 👇🏼

- Create healthy eating habits

E D U C A T E! We highly encourage teaching the importance of good nutrition right from the start! The more your kids know, the more excited they will be to eat healthily!

- Nourish the brain

The brain uses more energy than any other organ in our body! Everything from learning to memory and attentiveness is affected by the foods we consume. Kids' rapidly developing brains need a nutrient-dense diet, without it, they may struggle in certain developmental areas.

- Supports strong immunity

Gut health is an important key to a strong immune system. The foods we choose to feed our kiddos can either support or hinder their immune system. We recommend introducing a diet rich in nutrients and avoiding processed and inflammatory foods to set their immune system up for success right from the start!

#guthealth #nutrientrichdiet #brainhealth #raisinghealthykids #immunesupport #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #elevatedlife #familychiropractic #idahomoms #idahochiropractic #southeastidaho #chirokids #chirokidsrock #pediatricchiropracticcare

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction

During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called relaxin which allows your body to grow and stretch with ease.

While this hormone is necessary for pregnancy, it can allow for imbalances in the pelvis to occur such as Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction.

So what is Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction?

If you have experienced pregnancy, you may have noticed pain while sitting or when walking around the pelvic girdle. This can be a sign of the pubic bone being too relaxed, causing an imbalance at the pubic symphysis, which creates instability and inflammation.

With prenatal chiropractic care, our doctors will ensure that the pelvis is balanced and perform specific adjustments to the pelvis to rebalance the pubic bone, relieving pressure and decreasing inflammation overall.

Not only will chiropractic care help decrease pain, but it will also allow the pelvis to stay open and balanced for a smoother delivery!
#elvatedlifefamilychiropractic #familychiropractic #elevatedlife #pregnancychiropracticcare #prenatalcare #eastidahomoms #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor #natrualpregnancy #pubicsymphysisdysfunction #psd #pregnancy #pregnancytips #pregnancylife

Webster Technique Seminar

Over the weekend, Dr. Randy was in Dallas, TX to renew his Webster Technique certification.

The Webster technique is a gentle chiropractic method that promotes optimal pelvic function and alignment for pregnant women. The adjustment is designed to help with pelvic function and reduce soft tissue to relieve ligament stress.

We love helping women enjoy optimal health during their pregnancies! Give us a call today to schedule a consultation, at 208-357-1949, with Dr. Randy, if you're expecting to see how chiropractic care can benefit you and your baby!

#webstertechnique #chiropractic #chiropracticcare #pregnancy #pregnancychiropracric #naturalpregnancy #holisticpregnancy #prenatalchiropractic #prenatalcare

Immune System Support

Did you know your immune system works to recognize and identify an infection in the body, resulting in an immune response? When our body shows symptoms, it's really just our immune system doing its JOB! 😁

When it comes to viruses and other sicknesses, our first line of defense is to choose an overall healthy L I F E S T Y L E! A strong foundation of health is KEY! 🔑

There are many preventative measures we can implement into our every life to keep our immune system balanced + functioning at its best! ✨

Swipe right to check out these great tips to help support your immune system as we approach the school year! 📚

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #immunesystem #movementismedecine #getadjusted #idahomoms #sotheastidaho #idahochiropractors #nervoussystemhealth #probiotics #prebiotics

Natural Steps to Help Overwhelm and Anger in Little Ones

Have you noticed that when transitions come up that our little ones seem to get overwhelmed and angry much easier?

You aren't alone!

When our little ones have these outbursts of behavior, it can leave us parents feeling like we do not have control, often embarrassed, or even helpless.

If you notice that transitioning from one thing to another is a challenge, swipe through the above for tips on how to move through these emotions more smoothly.

If you want to see how chiropractic can benefit your little one, reach out to us at 208-357-1949 before the school year starts!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #familylife #overwhelm #anger #chirokidsrock #postpartumlife #idahochiropractor #southeastidaho #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #vagusnerve #parasympatheticnervoussystem #nervoussystemhealth

Sensory Processing and Chiropractic Care

Do you have a child that is...

- constantly moving all day every day

-has extreme reactions to every scenario

-seems to have outbursts for no reason

-can't handle loud noises or certain environments

In the world of pediatric chiropractic, we know that their body may not be adapting as well to stress as they should be. These littles are stuck on "the gas pedal" meaning they are in sympathetic (fight or flight) dominance.

There is hope as we can naturally calm the brain and create balance within their little body.

Ready to see how chiropractic can benefit your little one and the entire family? Give us a call at 208-357-1949 to see how we can serve you!

The Science Behind Ear Infections

Did you know 85% of kids suffer from ear infections?

They may be common, but they are NOT normal.

If your child deals with reoccurring ear infections, taking them to see a pediatric chiropractor may benefit them!

Check out this post on the science behind ear infections and how regular adjustments can help!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #idahochiropractor #pediatricchiropractor #earinfections #naturalremedies #chirokidsrock

The Relationship Between Gut Health and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care optimizes your body's functions, including the digestion process! Consistent chiropractic adjustments help take you OUT of that fight or flight mode, and into the rest and digest side so your body can function optimally!

Are you struggling with digestion or other gut health issues? Chiropractic can help! Give us a call at, 208-357-1949, to start living life at your fullest potential and get to the root cause of your symptoms!

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #guthealth #idahochiropractor #eastidahomoms #immunesystem #stressmanagement #acidreflux #constipation #chiropracticcare #natrualsolutions

Patient Testimonial

Thank you Aubrie for sharing your experience with Dr. Randy at Elevated Life Family Chiropractic! Chiropractic care can play a vital role in feeding and tongue tie issues with newborns. If feeding your baby is a struggle, please give us a call at, 208-357-1949. We would love to help your family thrive!

#TestimonialTuesday #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #tonguetie #feedingbaby #newborn #chirokidsrock #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #pediatricchiropractic #idahochiropractor


Have you ever felt anxious or nervous when your little one feels "hot" to the touch?

We know how scary it can feel when your child is sick, but know that fevers are actually a GOOD thing!

Swipe to learn all about fevers, why they shouldn't be seen as a bad thing, when you should be worried, and how to heal them naturally!

#fever #elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #southeastidaho #mountainwest #wyoming #montana #idahomoms #eastidahomoms #healthykids #naturalhealing #chirokids #chirokidsrock #ammonidaho #idahofalls #rexburgidaho #rigby

7 Steps to Becoming a Healthier You

Are you tired of feeling sick and tired, but not knowing where to start?

Check out our S E V E N tips to becoming a healthier YOU!

At Elevated Life Family Chiropractic, we encourage you to dive deeper into all 7 of these to see how you can adapt better to your lifestyle.

#elevatedlifefamilychiropractic #healthieryou #southeastidaho #idahochiropractor #idahofalls #idahomoms #ammonidaho #rigbyidaho #wyoming #montana #blackfootidaho #getadjusted #joyfulmovement #wholefoods #sleeproutines